bluz71 / vim-moonfly-colors

A dark charcoal theme for modern Neovim & classic Vim

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Warning parts is now hard to see

teenjuna opened this issue · comments

Hi! I really like your theme, but after some (I don't know which exactly) update the "warnings" parts of my code became very difficult to see:

Previously they were just underlined.

Which diagnostic system are you using?

Please provide as much detail as possible for me to repeat. A test file as well.

Note, I do know that CoC does its own highlighting, which causes issues, as an example.

I'm indeed using CoC with the coc-rust-analyzer. Here is a test file:

fn main() {
    let unused_variable = 1;
    println!("Hello world!");

Which looks like this:


Do you need me to write instructions on how to setup Rust project in case you aren't familiar with the matter? Do you need to see my init.vim file? I'll be happy to provide anything that might help!

I had a user, with my other nightly issue, note a similar issue.

I believe CoC has changed, not my themes.

CoC is applying semantic, LSP-based highlighting over the top. We don't want that.

I need to explore this problem. Either we need to find the CoC option to turn this off, or I need to change my themes a little bit.

I myself use Neovim with its own LSP if that is of interest.

Let's fix this.

Yeah, I guess it's worth investigating. I should mention that other themes I've checked aren't affected by this. Although some of them do something similar: they change the background color of text, which makes the code less readable due to the lack of contrast.

I also found that this is not only related to warnings. In Python, for example, a warning will look just fine. Errors, however, do differ (between each other too...):


The only difference between this errors is that the first one has some cyan annotation on hover:


Whereas the other two don't:


Some research indicates that CoC, during July, implemented it's own highlighting subsystem as seen here:

Your issue here is basically the same as this issue also reported to my other colorscheme.

I will soon commit a fix for CocUnusedHighlight which will link it back to White (not Faded). One by one we should fix all problems.

I don't agree with CoC implementing its own highlighting subsystem. If there is a switch to turn it off I would ultimately recommend that. But first lets fix all obvious problems.

Please update and try again.

I have now linked CocUnusedHighlight to White.

Let me know if there are other Coc highlight issues that need fixed.

If using Vim or non-Treesitter Neovim you can place your cursor over the bad highlight and do :echo synIDattr(synID(line('.'), col('.'), 1), 'name').

If using Neovim Treesitter then install nvim-treesitter/playground and then do :TSHighlightCapturesUnderCursor.


No, I don't see any issues at the moment, your last commit fixed the issue. Thank you very much! I'll remember the treesitter/playground method in case I'll need to report something in the future.

Ok, that is great news. Don't hesitate to hit me up if something else needs fixing.

Best of luck.