blurymind / YarnClassic

A tool for writing interactive dialogue in games!

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Suggestion: Alternative to right-click for create new node

Firemaw opened this issue · comments

I find it very irritating that right-click creates a new node that I often have to delete. Right-click is used in some apps as pan or scroll. Possible to get a settings option to make create new node a different input button, e.g. double click on empty space, or ctrl+LMB?

You can use the + button to create a node too.

What you request here will require Yarn to get a keyboard input settings dialog

Oh great, I didn't know + can be used. I'm not really interested in custom mapping the key, more interested in just turning off the right-click from (accidentally) making nodes. If that could be a setting would be perfect.

perhaps a dropdown to select what right click does?
nothing | pan | add new node

perhaps a dropdown to select what right click does?
nothing | pan | add new node

That would be perfect!