bluenviron / mediamtx

Ready-to-use SRT / WebRTC / RTSP / RTMP / LL-HLS media server and media proxy that allows to read, publish, proxy, record and playback video and audio streams.

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JWT authentication does not work with auth0 provider

miguelaeh opened this issue · comments

Which version are you using?


Which operating system are you using?

  • Linux amd64 standard
  • Linux amd64 Docker
  • Linux arm64 standard
  • Linux arm64 Docker
  • Linux arm7 standard
  • Linux arm7 Docker
  • Linux arm6 standard
  • Linux arm6 Docker
  • Windows amd64 standard
  • Windows amd64 Docker (WSL backend)
  • macOS amd64 standard
  • macOS amd64 Docker
  • Other (please describe)

Describe the issue


Using the JWT authentication method does not seem to be able to authorize users when the token comes from auth0.

Describe how to replicate the issue

  1. start the server with authMethod: jwt and authJWTJWKS: https://your-auth0-domain/.well-known/jwks.json
  2. try to publish a stream using an accessToken from auth0
  3. see the 401 error

Did you attach the server logs?

There are no hints on the logs, even with debug enabled.

Did you attach a network dump?
