bluele / gcache

An in-memory cache library for golang. It supports multiple eviction policies: LRU, LFU, ARC

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Redundant "addedFunc" in case "LoaderFunc" call

serjk opened this issue · comments

I'm using simple gcache. I've implemented LoaderFunc and addedFunc using a database as a store.
When gcache loads a new value using LoaderFunc and set new one to a cache. Set function will call addedFunc if it exists. But the new value already exists in a db. So call "addedFunc" is redundantly in that case.
Is it expected behaviour? Does any workaround exist in such case?

Just to clarify, addedFunc is called when you Set a new value; loaderFunc is called when you Get a value that is not in the cache.

If I understand correctly, you would like to prevent execution of addedFunc when we fallback on loaderFunc?

Exactly, you understood correctly.