hickory-dns / hickory-dns

A Rust based DNS client, server, and resolver

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Zone cut NS RRs returned as authoritative records

SivaKesava1 opened this issue · comments

Hi again,

Similar to #1272, the issue exists with child NS records also. Consider the same zone file,

example.com. 60480 SOA ns1.outside.com. root.example.com. 3 604800 86400 2419200 604800
example.com. 60480 NS ns1.outside.com.
b.g.example.com. 60480 NS n.b.g.example.com.
n.b.g.example.com. 60480 A

For the query <b.g.example.com. , NS>, the TrustDns server returns the following response:

          "rcode NOERROR",
          "flags QR AA",
          "b.g.example.com. IN NS",
          "b.g.example.com. 60480 IN NS n.b.g.example.com.",
          "example.com. 60480 IN NS ns1.outside.edu.",
          "n.b.g.example.com. 60480 IN A"

Expected behavior
The AA bit is set in the response, which should not be as this is a child NS record, and the parent is not authoritative of the record. The server should return an empty answer but place <b.g.example.com, NS> in the authority section and the glue record in the additional section as per RFC 6672, Section 3.2, Point 3B. The <example.com, NS> is generally not returned.


  • OS: Ubuntu
  • Architecture: x86_64
  • Version: 18
  • rustc version: cargo 1.47.0