bloomreach / s4cmd

Super S3 command line tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

int size errors when uploading large file (8GB) on 32-bit machine (raspberry pi)

fireduck64 opened this issue · comments


[Exception] Python int too large to convert to C long
[Thread Failure] Python int too large to convert to C long

Command line:
s4cmd put -c 4 /mnt/xfer/largefile s3://bucketarray/largefile

Platform: Debian on armv7l (Raspbian)


Hypothesis: Some code somewhere is attempting to convert a large python into into a C 'long' which can vary in size between platforms. Probably needs to be a long long or something.

The problem is here:


Lines 1296 to 1307 in e74e0e7

def read_file_chunk(self, source, pos, chunk):
'''Read local file chunk'''
if chunk==0:
return StringIO()
data = None
with open(source, 'rb') as f:
data =
if not data:
raise Failure('Unable to read data from source: %s' % source)
return StringIO(data)

In particular:


Line 1304 in e74e0e7

data =

When the chunk is larger than a 32-bit system can handle, then it crashes. This is probably the case for all files over 2 GB.

One workaround seems to be setting --max-singlepart-upload-size to something smaller than 2 GB (and it defaults to 4.5 gb).