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Optimism txn batches are not indexed without blobs API URL

arshsingh opened this issue · comments


It looks like the env var INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKSCOUT_BLOBS_API_URL is required. If not set I see the following error in the logs and txn batches are not indexed:

{"time":"2024-04-30T01:56:10.166Z","severity":"error","message":"L2 genesis block number is undefined or invalid.","metadata":{"fetcher":"optimism_txn_batches"}}

However, using blobs for submitting batches is not required and a chain might opt to continue using calldata instead.

In some cases a blobs API might not even make sense, for e.g. if the chain is an L3 that rolls up to an L2 like OP mainnet.

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Hi, Yes, INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKSCOUT_BLOBS_API_URL is required, but your error message tells that you haven't defined another env: INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_BATCH_GENESIS_BLOCK_NUMBER (defines the block number of BedRock upgrade, so if your OP chain starts from scratch with BedRock, the block number should be 0).

If your OP chain uses calldata instead of EIP-4844 blobs, you can workaround that by defining some dummy INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKSCOUT_BLOBS_API_URL (e.g. It won't be used if your batcher transactions don't have type 3 (EIP-4844 transactions).

But the env INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L2_BATCH_GENESIS_BLOCK_NUMBER is required anyway. Please, see the full list of env variables for Optimism Rollup:

Ah sorry, pasted the incorrect log :|

you can workaround that by defining some dummy INDEXER_OPTIMISM_L1_BATCH_BLOCKSCOUT_BLOBS_API_URL

Thanks for the suggestion. This is what I ended up doing and it works. Would be nice to make it optional though.