blocknotes / activeadmin_blaze_theme

A theme for Active Admin based on Blaze CSS 3.x

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Webpacker not working rails 6

IvRRimum opened this issue · comments



My app/javascript/packs/active_admin.js

// Load Active Admin's styles into Webpacker,
// see `active_admin.scss` for customization.
import "../stylesheets/active_admin";

import "@activeadmin/activeadmin";


But the design doesnt change..


When doing a deploy to production
ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'activeadmin_blaze_theme' in '

Hey @IvRRimum
The webpacker support is still experimental ATM.

I have just prepared a release with it (it was in the master branch only for the last week).
I also updated the README instructions using Webpacker.

I made a test locally (with production conf) and it works using:

  • compile: true option set in config/webpacker.yml - in the production block;
  • RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_SERVE_STATIC_FILES=1 bin/rails s

To troubleshoot you could:

  • remove node_modules folder and run again yarn;
  • run bin/rails tmp:clear to clear the tmp files;
  • share some production logs otherwise.

I hope this will solve your issue.

Closing for missing feedback - feel free to re-open it if the issue is not solved