blacs30 / bitwarden-alfred-workflow

Simple Bitwarden Workflow for Alfred

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Empty suggestions

sb84 opened this issue · comments


I try to setup this workflow with self hosted Bitwarden,
I can login, after that i see folders list, but no sugestions,
i try to sync many times, reinstall too.

I checked data.json file - it has data from my vault.
When i used CLI, command "bw list items" reutrn data from my vault

environment: latest macos, latest alfred, latest workflow

What I should to do?

I am also faced with this issue with self-hosted service, but I'm using Vaultwarden image.

Is there anything in the Alfred logs you think is worth sharing here?

Debugging mode shows the following:

13:01:17 workflow.go:328: -------- Bitwarden v2/2.4.7 (AwGo/0.27.1) --------
13:01:17 main.go:162: &main.options{Search:false, Config:false, SetConfigs:false, Auth:false, OnOffConfigs:false, AuthConfig:false, Lock:false, Icons:false, Folder:true, Unlock:false, Login:false, Logout:false, Sync:false, Open:false, GetItem:false, Force:false, Totp:false, Last:false, Background:false, Id:"", Query:"", Attachment:"", Output:""}
13:01:17 main.go:164: args=[]string{"--folder"} => []string{}
13:01:17 main.go:165: (main.config) {
AutoFetchIconCacheAge: (int) 1440,
AutoFetchIconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 24h0m0s,
BwconfKeyword: (string) (len=9) ".bwconfig",
BwauthKeyword: (string) (len=7) ".bwauth",
BwKeyword: (string) (len=3) ".bw",
BwfKeyword: (string) (len=4) ".bwf",
BwExec: (string) (len=2) "bw",
BwDataPath: (string) "",
Debug: (bool) true,
Email: (string) (len=22) "",
EmailMaxWait: (int) 15,
EmptyDetailResults: (bool) false,
IconCacheAge: (int) 43200,
IconCacheEnabled: (bool) true,
IconMaxCacheAge: (time.Duration) 720h0m0s,
MaxResults: (int) 1000,
Mod1: (string) (len=3) "alt",
Mod1Action: (string) (len=13) "username,code",
Mod2: (string) (len=5) "shift",
Mod2Action: (string) (len=3) "url",
Mod3: (string) (len=4) "ctrl",
Mod3Action: (string) (len=4) "totp",
Mod4: (string) (len=7) "cmd,opt",
Mod4Action: (string) (len=4) "more",
Mod5: (string) (len=9) "cmd,shift",
Mod5Action: (string) (len=5) "webui",
NoModAction: (string) (len=13) "password,card",
OpenLoginUrl: (bool) true,
OutputFolder: (string) (len=24) "/Users/private/Downloads/",
Path: (string) (len=83) "/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin",
ReorderingDisabled: (bool) true,
Server: (string) (len=23) "",
Sfa: (bool) false,
SfaMode: (int) 0,
SkipTypes: (string) "",
TitleWithUser: (bool) true,
TitleWithUrls: (bool) false,
UseApikey: (bool) false,
WebUiURL: (string) (len=30) ""
13:01:17 crypt.go:53: Decrypting data.
13:01:17 cli.go:735: Number of folders 12
13:01:17 feedback.go:509: Sent 13 result(s) to Alfred
13:01:17 feedback.go:499: Feedback already sent. Ignoring.
13:01:17 workflow.go:405: ------------------ 60.361046ms -------------------
[13:01:17.576] Bitwarden v2[Script Filter] {
"variables": {
"items": [
"title": "Back to normal search.",
"subtitle": "Go back one level to the normal search",
"arg": ".bw",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/level-up-alt-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-search",
"notification": ""
"title": "Application",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 9560ecda-311b-4111-83bb-9dffbb724751 "
"title": "Bank Account",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 0b288141-c4f0-4bd2-bd67-b3da2f7d05be "
"title": "Family",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 8348d79c-9968-4a42-b857-ad43d7cde07b "
"title": "Forum",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id bdeee24e-8f48-42cb-bd97-837e015c3a48 "
"title": "HomeLab",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 86e73250-4c92-4cbb-9d44-97f85e6cf869 "
"title": "Media",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id de72e4de-e06e-42f3-9f01-7b74dcfee460 "
"title": "Personal-Identity",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 56ce3903-6c7e-478b-80d0-7bacf7c5a467 "
"title": "Shopping",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 9d338128-33a6-4dbf-918e-b4c8d22da06b "
"title": "SNS",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 3927f477-e3fc-442a-82cf-8f7c7e27ef22 "
"title": "Travel",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 377311db-68c3-4f4c-8003-b3a6bcdc63ed "
"title": "Work",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id 30413b67-db97-44dd-b148-eee0d3b7f787 "
"title": "No Folder",
"subtitle": "Number of items: 0",
"valid": true,
"icon": {
"path": "icons/folder-open-solid.png"
"variables": {
"action": "-folder",
"action2": "-id null "


Sorry didn't have time to look further into this. Do you have a simple docker-compose.yaml which I can use to recreate the issue locally?

Yeah, of course. Thanks for the help.

version: '3'
image: jc21/nginx-proxy-manager:latest
container_name: vaultwarden-NPM
restart: unless-stopped
- 80:80
- 81:81
- 443:443
- /mnt/user/Docker/nginx_manager/data:/data
- /mnt/user/Docker/nginx_manager/letsencrypt:/etc/letsencrypt
- vaultwarden_proxy
- nginx-proxy-manager_default
DISABLE_IPV6: 'true'
TZ: Asia/Taipei
image: vaultwarden/server:latest
container_name: vaultwarden
restart: always
- 82:80
- WEBSOCKET_ENABLED=true # Enable WebSocket notifications.
- TZ=Asia/Taipei
- /mnt/user/Docker/vaultwarden:/data
- vaultwarden_proxy
external: true

I was able to recreate the issue and it's just a matter of time to have a fix :)

Edit: I was wrong

I tested it with my new M1 Pro few days ago, and it does well without any problem.
M1 Pro is running 13.1, another MacBook Pro 2016 is 12.6.2.

At first I thought I can re-produce the issue but actually I can't.
After the first login I needed to sync manually via the Workflow - I didn't setup 2fa locally for testing and there is a bug that the Workflow doesn't sync automatically after login if no 2fa is configured.
After the sync the items were visible.

One thing I would try if issues are still present on other machines is to delete this file:
"~/Library/Application Support/Bitwarden CLI/data.json"

If the user has used a different Bitwarden instance before there could be possibly some left over of the old data structure .