blackmagic-debug / blackmagic

In application debugger for ARM Cortex microcontrollers.

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GDB Remote failure when hitting a breakpoint (new target)

vedranMv opened this issue Β· comments

Hi, I'm playing with around with adding support for NXP MK20DX256 (Teensy 3.2 board), that I would eventually like to contribute with to this repo.

I am working on a recent branch with just a handful of changes
Hardwarewise, I'm using Tiva ICDI (flashed with the branch above), connected to the JTAG interface of an MK20.

For the most part, everything runs as expected. Scanning for devices (mon jtag_scan), loading firmware, running, pausing, resuming, viewing registers, monitoring variables - most of what I can think. Except for breakpoints.

Whenever a breakpoint is set, and it gets hit, GDB reports remote failure error like so

It doesn't matter if it's a permanent (break ...), temporary (tbreak ...) or software (__asm__("BKPT");) breakpoint. What they all have in common is that the error comes after GDB requests registers ("$g" packet in the screenshot above).

There's a bit more information on these two links, where I tried to document what I did:
But in general, it seems like the issue is related to "$g" command that requests registers, in a way that I do not understand.

For fun, I tried to comment out a switch cases that handles 'g' command in gdb_main.c:127, and that actually 'fixed' the error. As a result, registers don't get updated after a breakpoint is hit (but they do if I just step through the code).

I know it might be a long shot, but I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas what's happening here or what else to try out. I'm working on getting one of the supported targets instead of MK20 to test on, but I don't really have another debug probe to try.

We've got a couple of questions for you as that's some really whacky behaviour and we'll try and explain why below: 1) what GDB is this, and 2) where is the Flash and SRAM in this part located?

Now, as for what's going on: the g request expects a dump of the core registers of the CPU as the response packet. This is unprefixed by any return code such as "E" (error), "O" (data to display to the GDB console, unless "OK" in which it's an all is ok response), etc. However, in your case the first register contains 0x000003e9 (it's encoded in little endian in the buffer), which GDB is then interpreting as an error response (wrongly).

Looking at the GDB documentation this is caused by a stupid that GDB's done which at least historically was mitigated by looking to see how many digits followed the 'E' and if more than 2, interpret as register data, if only 2, interpret as an error code - see the GDB docs on the 'g' packet. We suspect this is a bug in the GDB you're using.

While looking at your branch, forgetting it is not a PR yet, we wound up doing a review on the main commit πŸ˜…; Hopefully the early feedback helps.

Thanks a lot for your time and feedback, much appreciated!

Let's tart with questions:

  1. GNU gdb (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) (windows version)
  2. Flash and RAM are in chip, and flash range is 0x0000_0000–0x07FF_FFFF, while RAM has two regions, SRAM_L (0x1C00_0000–0x1FFF_FFFF) and SRAM_U (0x2000_0000–0x200F_FFFF). In practice, however, flash is 256k (so from 0x0-0x40000) and SRAM is 64k, half put in lower part, and half in the upper part, anchored at 0x2000_0000. So SRAM_L stretches from 0x1FFF_8000 to 0x2000_0000, and SRAM_U from 0x2000_0000 to 0x2000_8000. I have had these set in my local version, haven't committed them to the branch πŸ˜„

GDB version actually sketches me out a bit, it's pretty old. I just made a project in platformIO and used ARM compiler it has by default. Somehow, it uses this version. I'll try a newer one. The explanation on GDB's handling of response makes a lot of sense (but sketchy πŸ˜… )

As for the review, I have cleaned up debug mess, and adjusted the addresses according to the description above. I can see that the use of gdb_outf is problematic, but it's a temporary solution to test my changes, as Tiva ICDI platform doesn't support debug logging.

It's a GDB problem. I made a test where I modified gdb_main.c so that it always returns the same first 4 bytes, like so:

	/* GDB protocol main loop */
	switch (pbuf[0]) {
	/* Implementation of these is mandatory! */
	case 'g': { /* 'g': Read general registers */
		const size_t reg_size = target_regs_size(cur_target);
		if (reg_size) {
			uint8_t *gp_regs = alloca(reg_size);
			target_regs_read(cur_target, gp_regs);
			gp_regs[0] = 0xE8;
			gp_regs[1] = 0x03;
			gdb_putpacket(hexify(pbuf, gp_regs, reg_size), reg_size * 2U);
		} else {

Then I ran the following GDB commands:

tar ext COM8
mon jtag_scan
set debug remote 1
attach 1

During attach, GDB requests the registers and gets the crafted message from above. Then I tested on 3 different GDB versions:

  • GNU gdb (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors) - original one, interpreting a reply as error
  • GNU gdb (xPack GNU Arm Embedded GCC, 64-bit) - seems to accept the reply and not interpret it as error
  • GNU gdb (xPack GNU Arm Embedded GCC, 64-bit) - seems to accept the reply and not interpret it as error

So I went digging in GDB's git and found a commit that fixed this Mystery solved, this can be closed πŸ˜€

If you think adding the support for MK20 from this branch with some more polishing would be valuable for this project, I'd like to send a PR.

the use of gdb_outf is problematic, but it's a temporary solution to test my changes, as Tiva ICDI platform doesn't support debug logging.

Neither did blackpill-f4 (properly), that is until I dug deep and sorted it out in #1715. You can do a similar thing with launchpad-icdi and use meson to flip configuration flags, drop targets and handle rdimon linking for you (or you can mess with Makefiles by hand).
I see you're on Windows, so it might be more complicated but you can build BMDA and as such move the target driver logic to a full-blown desktop with infinite resources and much more logging. This is how usually target flash drivers are developed and new target bringup is done.

The GDB 7 you've used is old, please get something modern like xPack 12. It can be an Arduino tool archive, e.g. stm32duino core depends on xpack-gcc-arm-none-eabi-12 (or newer). Generally, you don't have to use the gdb/gdb-py/gdb-py3 from the toolchain that was used to compile a firmware, just the EABI should match (excluding ESP Xtensa complications).

How is your MK20DX256 Teensy 3.2 wired? Is onboard MKL02 chip disabled/detached or you're using it for uploads? 32 KiB of KL02 is too small to have any hope of porting BMF onto it, so external wires it is then.

Proper PRs undergo autobuilds and linters sometimes not set up on contributors' machines (pre-commit, clang-format), and I'm not sure how much more of PR216 is useful here, so no comment on this. I've been bitten by __attribute__((packed)) before.

So I went digging in GDB's git and found a commit that fixed this Mystery solved, this can be closed πŸ˜€

Well there we go πŸ˜„ excellent! We should add a note then that ARM GDB 7.10.1 is borked.

If you think adding the support for MK20 from this branch with some more polishing would be valuable for this project, I'd like to send a PR.

We'd love that - we look forward to seeing a PR for it.

If you would like to contribute to the ICDI platform, that would be another very welcome PR. ALTracer gives some useful hints above about how to get debug enabled on that platform. The 256kiB Flash of the Tiva-C used (TM4C123GH6PMI) should handily fit everything, and has plenty of endpoints in the USB controller to implement things like the debug serial link w/o compromises.