blackducksoftware / hub-detect

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npm names are parsed incorrectly (in Yarn at least)

rickity-cricket opened this issue · comments


When dealing with npmjs component names (of the format: name@version), I wanted to parse out the name. My initial thought was a naive one; "why not just split on the @ symbol?" but then I encountered something like this...

├─ @angular-devkit/core@0.0.20

Which didn't work... I recently attempted to update the yarn parsing to add production-only dependency support and, in the process, I added the following method to parse fuzzy names.

static String grabFuzzyName(String line) {
    // e.g.
    // ├─ whatwg-url@4.8.0 >> whatwg-url@4.8.0
    // OR
    // │  ├─ tr46@~0.0.3 >> tr46@~0.0.3

    // [a-zA-Z\d-]+@.+[\dx]$
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[ \\d.\\-a-zA-Z]+@.+")
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line)
    String result =


It seems this method was removed and deemed unnecessary, but I found this via the hub:


Each of these corresponds to a component beginning with an @ symbol




Can you provide some example with expected output? What should the name be from ├─ @angular-devkit/core@0.0.20 ?
should it be "core"? or "angular-devkit/core"?

I was able to determine that the Hub will show the correct response if you include the first @ sign.
Ex : ├─ @angular-devkit/core@0.0.20 should result in the name being @angular-devkit/core

Please see #245

The code has been merged to fix this issue