bksanda / link_board_lab

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

#Link Board Lab

We are going to create a clone of hacker news. Hacker news is a reddit-style link board that allows users to post links which are upvoted by other users so the best links rise to the top.

For today we're going focus on Users and Posts only. The goal for tonight is to create an app that allows users to sign up, login, and add posts (no comments or voting yet).



  • email
  • password_digest
  • name


  • title
  • link
  • user_id



| Verb | Route | Action | Purpose | |------|-------|------------|--------|---| | GET | /signup | users#new | render user sign up form | | POST | /signup | users#create | create user in database (signup) | | GET | /login | sessions#new | render user log in form | | POST | /login | sessions#create | create user session (login) | | GET / DELETE | /logout | sessions#destroy | destroy user session (logout) |

###Post Create full CRUD routes.


  • post.title
    • required
    • should be between 10 and 100 chars
  • post.link
    • required
    • should be a valid url
  • user.email
    • required
    • valid email
    • unique
  • user.name
    • required
    • less than 20 chars

##Getting started

  • Fork / clone
  • cd to cloned repo
  • create new rails app rails new ./ -T
  • test rails s go to localhost:3000 in browser
  • Create User model (with has_secure_password)
  • enable bcrypt gem in Gemfile
  • migrate rake db:migrate
  • test rails c User.create... etc...
  • Create authentication routes / views / actions
  • Create Post model
  • migrate rake db:migrate
  • test rails c Post.create... etc...
  • Create crud routes / views / actions for Post
  • Add validations
