bkeepers / dotenv

A Ruby gem to load environment variables from `.env`.

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Environment loading change in 2.7.6 is wrong

amilligan opened this issue · comments

This pull request changed the default rake task to force load the Rails test environment.

Setting aside any argument about how test vs. development environment in rake, installing a gem should not change the behavior of the default rake task. Not every rake task is for running tests, and the default rake task very well may include tasks that are not test-specific.

To reproduce, simply create a default rake task with non-test tasks. We use license_finder, brakeman, etc. Given a non-test tasks dependent on running in the development environment the default task fails, fails to run, or gives incorrect results.

Apologies, I'll get this rectified today.

Thanks, we appreciate it.


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@cadwallion Any chance of an update on this? I'm happy to provide a pull request, but I suspect it would just be a revert of the commit that made the change.


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This is fixed by #468 and will be included in the 3.0 release soon.