bkad / prat

group chat with markdown served over websockets

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Distinguish idle users

cespare opened this issue · comments

I'm not sure what is possible here, so this is partly a research task.

I know at least a couple people that have been confused by the grayed out usernames (which correspond to people who have joined the channel in the past, but are currently offline). They assumed that these people were online, but idle.

I think it would be neat if we could detect idle users and then distinguish between active, idle, and offline users.

I'm not really sure of the best heuristics to use here. One hacky thing I thought of is to increase the ping frequency beyond what Chrome allows for backgrounded tabs, and then when the person stops pinging so much we know that they're not focused on the tab. I'm sure we can come up with other ideas.