bjornlll / grunt-aws-s3

Grunt plugin to upload files to AWS S3 using the AWS SDK

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Features added in this fork

  • options.gzip: Enabled on-the-fly gzip support in uploads, also sets Content-Encoding header
  • options.gzipExclude: Exclude file extensions from gzipping e.g. ['.png', '.jpeg']
  • options.mime: If 'mime' is a string instead of an object the mime-type will be applied to all uploads for that task
  • Override task options by providing an options object on the objects in 'files', supports overriding of:
    • bucket
    • access
    • gzip
    • gzipExclude
    • mime
    • params

Getting Started

This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-aws-s3 --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


The "aws_s3" task


This Grunt task supports two modes of interaction with S3, upload and delete.

You choose the action by specifying the key action in the file hash like so:

  {'action': 'upload', expand: true, cwd: "dist/js", src: ['**'], dest: 'app/js'}

By default, the action is upload.

The delete action just requires a dest, no need for a dest like so:

  {dest: 'app/', 'action': 'delete'}

The dest is used as the Prefix in the listObjects command to find the files on the server.

If you specify '/', the whole bucket will be wiped (with the limit of 1000 objects, so may need to run it twice if you have lots of objects in your bucket).

If you specify 'app', all paths starting with 'app' will be targeted (e.g. 'app.js', 'app/myapp.js', 'app/index.html, 'app backup/donotdelete.js') but it will leave alone the others (e.g. 'my app/app.js', 'backup app/donotdelete.js').

You can put a delete action in a separate target or in the same target as your upload. However, if you put it in the same target, changing the concurrency might cause mix-ups.

Please, be careful with the delete action. It doesn't forgive.


options.accessKeyId (required)

Type: String

The AWS accessKeyId. You can load it via JSON as shown in the example or use the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable.

options.secretAccessKey (required)

Type: String

The AWS secretAccessKey. You can load it via JSON as shown in the example or use the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable.

options.bucket (required)

Type: String

The AWS bucket name you want to upload to.


Type: String
Default: US Standard

The AWS region.

If not specified, it uploads to the default 'US Standard'


Type: String

The ACL you want to apply to ALL the files that will be uploaded. The ACL values can be found in the documentation.


Type: Integer
Default: 1

Number of uploads in parallel. By default, there's no concurrency, the uploads are made one after the other.


Type: Object

A hash of the params you want to apply to the files. Useful to set the ContentEncoding to gzip for instance, or set the ControlCache value. The list of parameters can be found in the documentation. params will apply to all the files in the target.


Type: Object

The MIME type of every file is determined by a MIME lookup using node-mime. If you want to override it, you can use this option object. The keys are the file paths and the values are the MIME types.

    "path/to/file": "application/json",
    "path to/other/file": "application/gzip"

You need to specify the full path of the file, including the 'cwd' part.

Usage Examples

Default Options

The example loads the AWS credentials from a JSON file (DO NOT forget to exclude it from your commits).

    "AWSAccessKeyId": "AKxxxxxxxxxx",
    "AWSSecretKey": "super-secret-key"
aws: grunt.file.readJSON('aws-keys.json'), // Read the file

aws_s3: {
  options: {
    accessKeyId: "<%= aws.AWSAccessKeyId %>", // Use the variables
    secretAccessKey: "<%= aws.AWSSecretKey %>", // You can also use env variables
    region: 'eu-west-1',
    concurrency: 5 // 5 simultaneous upload
  staging: {
    options: {
      bucket: 'my-wonderful-staging-bucket',
      concurrency: 1 // Avoid problems with uploading and deleting simultaneously
    files: [
      {expand: true, cwd: "dist/staging/scripts", src: ['**'], dest: 'app/scripts'},
      {expand: true, cwd: "dist/staging/styles", src: ['**'], dest: 'app/styles'},
      {dest: 'src/app', action: 'delete'},
  production: {
    options: {
      bucket: 'my-wonderful-production-bucket'
      params: {
        ContentEncoding: 'gzip' // applies to all the files!
    files: [
      {expand: true, cwd: "dist/production", src: ['**'], dest: 'app/'},
  clean_production: {
    options: {
      bucket: 'my-wonderful-production-bucket'
    files: [
      {dest: 'app/', action: 'delete'},
  secret: {
    options: {
      bucket: 'my-wonderful-private-bucket',
      access: 'private'
    files: [
      {expand: true, cwd: "secret_garden", src: ['*.key'], dest: 'secret/'},


  • Mock options for actual unit testing

Release History

  • 2013-07-10   v0.1.0   First release
  • 2013-07-11   v0.1.1   Fix bug when using env variable
  • 2013-07-16   v0.2.0   Can set additional params
  • 2013-07-17   v0.3.0   Option for concurrency
  • 2013-07-30   v0.3.1   Region is now optional, defaults to US Standard
  • 2013-08-14   v0.4.0   Add 'delete' option
  • 2013-08-19   v0.4.1   Fix delete task executing separately from upload
  • 2013-08-20   v0.5.0   Add option to override automatic MIME type detection


Grunt plugin to upload files to AWS S3 using the AWS SDK

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%