bjesus / wttrbar

Custom module for showing the weather in Waybar, using the great

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[Request] Change Mist Icon to not be a square

BowlBird opened this issue · comments

I'm not sure what icons are available at all, however every icon other than mist has a more rounded appearance which makes 'mist' stand out as it is nearly a white square. Is there any way this could be changed to a more fitting icon?

I noticed this too. Note that wttrbar just uses the fog emoji, but the way it looks really depends on your font. shows that indeed most fonts draw it as a square icon. I'm happy to consider changing it something else but not sure which one is more fitting? there's a "foggy" icon but it's also a square usually.


All the icons shown on the Waybar are square, change them to those in the hourly forecast.

The same icons are used for the main indicator and for the tooltip. If you're seeing something else, please provide a screenshot as something seems to be broken with your setup.

I'm going to close this as I'm not sure there is a great solution to this without repeating icons. I wish there was a more rounded mist but without something like a custom icon I don't know that it's this repo's responsibility.


Yea, mist emoji does feels off than the rest used in this module.