bjesus / pidif

Lightweight PDF reader that works on touch interfaces made in Rust

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Distribute as Flatpak

darkdragon-001 opened this issue · comments

Please add a Flatpak build and distribute on Flathub. As an example, you can start with the manifest of the GTK4+Rust app NewsFlash.

Can I ask on what OS are you trying to use Pidif?

Mobian (Debian) on PinePhone.

I'm sorry but it doesn't seem like I'm going to get to this anytime soon, as I've never used Flatpak myself and I have no idea how it works. If anyone submits a PR for that I would happily merge it (if it's even related to the project itself?). I'll leave this issue open in case someone wants to take it.

Could you create a file similar to NewsFlash? This also seems to be what GNOME Rust+Gtk4 apps use...