bjarniolsen / tidsreg

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool




Team members: Bjarni Olsen

Date of creation: 13/04 - 2015


All frontend files are located in /static folder. Frontend resources are compiled with the NodeJS-module Gulp, the configuration for which is located in gulpfile.js and package.json.

Install frontend build tools

Install NodeJS

To compile the source files (LESS/SASS) to CSS and minify the JS you need to use Gulp, and in order to use Gulp, you need to install NodeJS first. If you've already done that on your system, skip this bit. Otherwise, get NodeJS here:

Install Node.js

... and install it.

If you get some weird runtime errors once you start running npm commands, it's due to some bugs in the installer. Just copy the error message, and Google will help you out in a jiffy. It's usually a simple matter of creating a folder or two.

Install site-specific Gulp modules

This installs Gulp and all Gulp modules used for this site.

c:\path\to\project\root\folder> npm install

Wait for the NodeJS package manager (npm) to install all required Gulp modules. You need only do this once, or if the package information (found inside package.json) changes.


If you prefer LESS instead of SASS, then run this command: npm install gulp-less --save-dev. Then remove SASS from both package.json and gulpfile.js afterwards.

Run Gulp

Run this command to start Gulp:

c:\path\to\project\root\folder\ > npm run gulp

Gulp 'watches' file changes and builds CSS and JS from the source files automatically.



SASS/LESS is located in /static/sass/ or /static/less/ and Gulp builds it to /static/dist/. CSS is minified.

Remember to describe any LESS/SASS specific structures and wizardry that is not obvious.

Remember to alter gulpfile.js and choose SASS or LESS.


(jQuery / Other).

All source code is placed inside /static/src/js/, and compiled into /static/dist/js/, which is then the only folder needed on the webserver. All JS is uglified.

jQuery and other plugins are located in vendor/plugins. As a rule, you should only include uncompressed files (including headers, for versions and copyrights), and let Gulp minify them by including them in your workflow.

Debugging in Internet Explorer

c:\path\to\project\root\folder> npm run gulpdebug


c:\path\to\project\root\folder> gulp js --debug

This builds the JS without using minification. This lets you debug the code in Internet Explorer more easily. Please don't check in the un-minified file, though, or you will be forced to buy everyone cake. And beer.


Livereload is activated in Gulpfile.js, which enables you to make frontend changes and see them live without reloading the entire page.

To use it you need to install this Chrome extension:

Or the same for Firefox:

Or if you need to Livereload another browser (eg. on a mobile phone/tablet) then place this script before </body> tag:

<script>document.write('<script src="http://' + ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0] + ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></' + 'script>')</script>

Remember to remove it before you deploy to production!



Language:CSS 65.0%Language:JavaScript 29.8%Language:HTML 5.2%