bjankord / stylelint-config-sass-guidelines

⚙ A stylelint config inspired by

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Declaration block properties order Rule

deerawan opened this issue · comments


I found something to clarify


declaration-block-properties-order: Properties in declaration blocks must be sorted alphabetically.

Based on the page, the author didn't impose preference regarding property order


I wonder if it is better to remove the Rule to follow what the doc said?

However, In the .stylelint.rc I could do this to ignore the rule

"extends": "stylelint-config-sass-guidelines",
"rules": {
    "order/properties-alphabetical-order": null

That's a good point. When I created this, the team I worked on favored alpha ordering so thats what I went with. If you find that you either don't prefer this ordering or want another option for ordering, I think the rule override is a good option.