bjankord / stylelint-config-sass-guidelines

⚙ A stylelint config inspired by

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Extending "stylelint-config-sass-guidelines" leads to fatal error

exophunk opened this issue · comments

As mentioned here: stylelint-scss/stylelint-scss#266 (comment)

One of the rules defined in your config creates stylelint to fatally crash due tue JS memory allocation:

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

It is all based on this rule:
"scss/percent-placeholder-pattern": "^[a-z]+([a-z0-9-]+[a-z0-9]+)?$",

I copied all your config directly into my .stylelintrc except this one rule and everything was fine.

Maybe you can fix it by just upgrading your dependencies of stylelint-scss


Updating dependencies pulled in with this PR: #41

Let me know if this resolves the issue you are seeing.

From reading through the linked issue, it sounds like v5 of may resolve it, just waiting for that to be released. v5 has been released. This package is now pulled in to stylelint-config-sass-guidelines.

Let me know if this resolves the issue you are seeing.