bjacobel / django-base

Base application and configuration for a modern Django application.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

###djangobase Build Status Coverage Status

####Setup You'll need:

  • Python 3.4 (2.7 should work as well)
  • NodeJS >= 0.10
  • Postgres
  • Vagrant (optional)
  1. Install system-level dependencies (you may omit some of these, per guidelines above):

     brew install python3 node postgresql vagrant

    (I've often had problems with Homebrew's postgres package - can be a good alternative.)

  2. Run the following commands in psql to set up the Postgres database:

     CREATE ROLE djangobase WITH LOGIN CREATEDB PASSWORD 'djangobase';
     CREATE DATABASE djangobase;
  3. Install Python dependencies with:

     pip install -r reqs/dev.txt
  4. Setup your ansible/env_vars/secure.yml file. It contains application secrets and third-party API credentials. An example file with secrets ommitted is at ansible/env_vars/secure_safe.yml.

  5. Set up the database with:

     python syncdb
  6. Check that setup was successful with:

     python check
  7. Start the local server with:

     python runserver

####Tests You can run the project's test suite with:

    python test

To view unit test coverage, install coverage (pip install coverage), then run:

    coverage run --source=djangobase test

The project comes with a .travis.yml file - if your repository is publicly available on GitHub, Travis CI can be easily configured to run the test suite on git push. Furthermore, can be easily added to this setup as a test coverage reporting tool.

The continuous integration suite is configured to run against both Python 2.7 and 3.4.

####Deployment The code base includes Ansible roles for configuring a Linux server and deploying the project onto it.

The following command will execute the complete playbook on all of the hosts defined in ansible/inventory/prod:

ansible-playbook ansible/deploy.yml

For testing purposes, you may use the included Vagrantfile to provision a test VM that approximates the production server. To deploy to Vagrant, run the following:

vagrant up
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory/vagrant ansible/deploy.yml
sudo echo " djangobase.local" >> /etc/hosts

and visit http://djangobase.local in your browser if the deploy is successful.

The project is currently deployed at


Base application and configuration for a modern Django application.


Language:Python 69.1%Language:CSS 18.9%Language:HTML 7.4%Language:Shell 4.6%