bizbuz / groupProject2

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Group name: # 11 Baby Got Hack

Team members: Bhanoo Gulati Adam Troy Daryl Bilderback Courtney Williams Desmon Stanford

Synopsis:     SpeakEasy is a journal entry app that incorporates use of integrated voice recognition and text conversion to multiple languages. It is targeted toward businesses, students, and busy, working people who feel the need to quickly jot down         ideas and information without the worry of forgetting important information or losing documents. For security                 protection, SpeakEasy also stores the users personal journal entries into a safe location with password/username integration.

Roles: Courtney & Adam : Frontend design and HTML routes Bhanoo: Node Routes Desmond: Sequelize Library, Daryl: Environment SetUp, Database . - MySql, Authentication,

External API: Web Speech API, bcrypt llibrray, wiziwig editor (maybe)

Storyboard: Page1: Login Page Page2: Journal/Journal Entry Page3: Journey Detail Page4: Edit Profile

Data Model: Journal Entry User details: Title User ID: PK Details, text
First Name Last Name email language voice timestamp/ timezone



Language:JavaScript 79.5%Language:HTML 18.9%Language:CSS 1.7%