bitwes / Gut

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Idea - Generic wait_until(predicate_func, timeout) & reaching max_time should fail the test & providing predicate functions like is_object_freed

WebF0x opened this issue Β· comments


Awaiting provides wait_seconds, wait_frames and wait_for_signal, which are great.

A pattern that often comes up in my tests is to wait for a particular condition to be true.
For example

  • repeatedly hit an enemy until it is dead
  • hit an enemy then wait until its HP regenerates to 100%
  • accelerate something until it has velocity X

In all cases, if a certain timeout is reached, I want the test to fail.


Generic wait_until(predicate_func, timeout)

  • predicate_func: Callable returning a boolean. Returns true when the success condition is reached
  • max_wait: same as wait_for_signal. Timeout after which we stop blocking the test

Fail on max_time reached

I think wait_for_signal and wait_until should fail the test when the max_time is reached, just like a failed assertion.

is_object_freed predicate

GUT could provide a predicate function returning true when an object has been freed.

Other predicates

Many conditions used in assertions would be great as conditions to wait_until if they were converted into predicate functions (excuse the bad names hehe)

await wait_until(has(vegetables_array, 'potato'))
await wait_until(is_signal_connected(signaler, connector, 'the_signal'))
await wait_until(has_call_count(doubled, 'set_value', 1, [4]))


func test_when_sword_collides_with_wall_then_it_is_stopped() -> void:
  wall = add_child_autofree(WallScene.instantiate())
  wall.set_position(Vector2.RIGHT * 100)
  sword = add_child_autofree(SwordScene.instantiate())
  sword.set_linear_velocity(Vector2.RIGHT * 300)

  var is_immobile := func() -> bool: return sword.get_linear_velocity().is_zero_approx()
  await wait_until(is_immobile, 5)

Bonus idea: wait until freed

Here's a PR I made for wait_until_freed. Another way to wait until something is freed could be done with GUT just providing a predicate to check if something is freed.

func test_when_enemy_collides_with_sword_then_it_dies() -> void:
  enemy= add_child_autofree(EnemyScene.instantiate())
  enemy.set_position(Vector2.RIGHT * 100)
  sword.set_linear_velocity(Vector2.RIGHT * 300)
  sword = add_child_autofree(SwordScene.instantiate())

  var is_dead := func() -> bool: return is_object_freed(enemy) # is_object_freed being a new predicate provided by GUT
  await wait_until(is_dead , 5)

I really like this idea. I guess the method would just be called in awaiter's _process method and the wait would end the first time the method returns true.

I think wait_for_signal and wait_until should fail the test when the max_time is reached, just like a failed assertion.

I've often thought this too, but I think some I think some wait_then_assert_ or assert_eventually_ methods should be added instead of making wait_for_signal fail the test. It feels inconsistent with the other wait methods since they don't have a fail worthy result. It also seems like there might be some cases where you might not care if the signal gets emitted. Maybe some complicated setup scenarios.

assert_eventually_ seems to capture the spirit of this idea, but it is an awful long name.

Many conditions used in assertions would be great as conditions to wait_until if they were converted into predicate functions (excuse the bad names hehe)

await wait_until(has(vegetables_array, 'potato'))

could be

await assert_eventually_true(vegetables_array.has.bind('potato'), 5)

I kinda like this

await assert_eventually_eq(vegetables_array.size, 20, 5, 'we need 20 vegetables in 5 seconds or we did not do our job')

Could there be a unwieldy generic assert_eventually?

# your example of 
await wait_until(is_signal_connected(signaler, connector, 'the_signal'))

# could be something like this
await assert_eventually(
    signaler.is_connected.bind('the_signal', connector.callback), 
    assert_signal_connected.bind(signaler, connector, 'the_signal'),
   'wait for it to be connected or 5 seconds, then assert it is connected')

wait_XXXXXXXX shouldn't fail

Agreed. Very good point for the complex setup and not caring if the condition becomes true

Naming it as wait_then_assert..... VS assert_eventually.....

I like both. Small preference for assert_eventually(...) because it stands out from the never-failing wait_XXXXX functions.
I'm cool with long names :)

Generic assert_eventually(...)

Yes to me it's a BIG plus if it's generic, because it lets users

  • create high-level predicates for their game. E.g. is_evolved_pokemon(), is_max_level(), is_bowser_dead(), etc.
  • use the built-in GUT predicates (I'm thinking to extract a predicate from each of these assert methods: is_equal, is_not_equal, is_almost_equal, etc)
  • use the bind operator on built-in Godot methods to make a Callable (I hadn't thought of that but great idea!)

Plus, you'll only need to define each predicate once and people can use them in many places

  • Waits until the condition is true or the timeout, but never fails
    • wait_until(Callable, timeout)
  • Waits until the condition is true or fail after the timeout
    • assert_eventually(Callable, timeout)
  • If we're feeling bold, it could even be expanded by combining the predicates
    • assert_eventually(all([Callable, Callable, Callable]), timeout) All conditions must be true
    • assert_eventually(some([Callable, Callable, Callable]), timeout) At least one condition must be true
    • assert_eventually(none([Callable, Callable, Callable]), timeout) All conditions should be false
await assert_eventually(
    signaler.is_connected.bind('the_signal', connector.callback), 
    assert_signal_connected.bind(signaler, connector, 'the_signal'),
   'wait for it to be connected or 5 seconds, then assert it is connected')

I'm not sure I understand the example here. It has 2 Callable predicates?

I'm not sure I understand the example here. It has 2 Callable predicates?

The syntax might be slightly off, but the idea was to do the predicate thing with any assert passed as a Callable. If this works the way I think it will, this would be a good first step. Get a generic one to work then use it to implement wrappers like assert_eventually_eq, assert_eventually_between, etc.

await assert_eventually(
    # predicate (Callable that is waited on until it returns true)
    signaler.is_connected.bind('the_signal', connector.callback), 
    # An assert passed as Callable that will be run if the predicate
    # returns true before timeout
    assert_signal_connected.bind(signaler, connector, 'the_signal'),
    # Max time in seconds to wait for predicate to return true, 
    # fails if timeout reached
    # Optional message to print
    'wait for it to be connected or 5 seconds, then assert it is connected')

Ok I understand now. I think having both a waiting function AND an asserting function makes it too complicated.

In most cases, one could split it in two lines like this:

await assert_eventually(
    signaler.is_connected.bind('the_signal', connector.callback),
assert_connected(signaler, connector, 'the_signal')

Predicate functions as a building block

I think this will help to implement this proposal and keep the GUT code & user tests simple.


How to keep it DRY (pseudocode)

# New GUT public function
# Nothing fancy, takes 2 objects, returns a bool
# Code to extract from assert_eq
# There would be a function like this for each existing assert_XXXXXX functions
# This is a simple example, but some other asserts would be super useful to extract into predicate functions. Like assert_file_exists, assert_signal_emitted_with_parameters, etc
func is_equal(expected, actual) -> bool:
    return expected == actual
# Existing GUT public function
# Could be refactored to reuse code from above
# Interface doesn't change
func assert_eq(expected, actual) -> void:
    if !is_equal(expected, actual):
        fail(actual, ' is not equal to ', expected)
# New GUT PRIVATE function
# Waits until the condition is true or the timeout, but never fails
# Returns true if successful (predicate_func returned true)
func _has_successfully_waited_until(predicate_func, timeout) -> bool:
    #Whatever magic GUT already does for the existing wait_XXXXXX functions that don't block the game from running
    var has_timed_out := # ... magic here ...
    while !has_timed_out: # ... magic here ...
            return true
    return false
# New GUT public function (OPTIONAL)
# No return value. Users don't care if it succeeds or not
# Personally I don't need this, but we could add it if you think people would find it useful
func wait_until(predicate_func, timeout) -> void:
    var _ignored := await _has_successfully_waited_until(predicate_func, timeout)
#New GUT public function
# This is what I actually need for my project πŸŽ‰ 
func assert_eventually(predicate_func, timeout) -> void:
    var has_succeeded := await _has_successfully_waited_until(predicate_func, timeout)
    if !has_succeeded :
        fail('timed out after ', timeout, ' seconds')
# New GUT public function (OPTIONAL)
# Wrappers that are easier to use
func assert_eventually_eq(expected_value, func_returning_actual_value, timeout) -> void:
    var is_successful_func = func():
        var actual_value :=
        return is_equal(expected_value, actual_value )
    await assert_eventually(is_successful_func , timeout)


# Users can define their own custom predicate functions
func test_when_monster_gets_hit_then_it_dies():
    var is_dead := func(): return monster.get_hitpoints() <= 0

    await assert_eventually(is_dead, 10)

I think this is easy enough and we can do this right away.

#New GUT public function
# This is what I actually need for my project πŸŽ‰ 
func assert_eventually(predicate_func, timeout) -> void:
    var has_succeeded := await _has_successfully_waited_until(predicate_func, timeout)
    if !has_succeeded :
        fail('timed out after ', timeout, ' seconds')

Breaking the asserts up will get a little messy. Messages change based on inputs, and we'd like to see those same outputs with assert_eventually_eq for both passing and failing tests. I made it through about 3 layers of pseudo code and didn't come up with anything I liked so I stopped.

Getting to wait for a function to return true and implementing assert_eventually(name still pending) will probably clear up things.

Great! Yeah the custom messages is gonna be tricky. Good point that we don't need to figure those yet for assert_eventually() to work.

Based on everything else, I'm assuming you are wanting to implement this (which is great). I just wanted to confirm, so I don't get over-eager and start on it myself.

After a quickish look, I think it would look like the following. This approach isn't written in stone, and somethings might be wrong. So let me know if you have any questions or issues.

  • Add wait_for_value(predicate, value, timeout)(name debatable) which will take in a predicate function and call it in _process_physics and end the wait when it returns the expected value.
  • add a property did_last_wait_timeout(also debatable name).
    • This should be set to false at the start of all wait_* methods, and set to true when _wait_time or wait_frames is exceeded in _physics_process.
    • This should be read only. Right now awaiter does not have any public variables, so this should be accomplished with a backing variable and accessors.
var _did_last_wait_timeout = false # this will be used everywhere internally
var did_last_wait_timeout = false :
  get:  return _did_last_wait_timeout
  set(val):  pass

This will give us a general way to wait for something and differentiate between a timeout and a "thing" occurring. The value won't mean anything for wait_frames or wait_seconds but it will be useful with wait_for_signal and wait_for_value. We have to make it work "right" for wait_seconds and _wait_frames though (it will always be true after one of those waits finish), so the awaiter acts predictably.

  • expose _awaiter so that can use it. For consistency's sake, we should add a get_awaiter(). This is how other read only vars are handled in and consistency at the file level is more important than doing it the same way everywhere.

  • Add assert_wait_for_true(predicate, seconds, msg='')(name debatable)
    • passes if predicate returns true before timeout
    • fails if seconds elapse before predicate returns true
    • Uses new awaiter.wait_for_value(predicate, true, seconds) and awaiter.did_last_wait_timeout to determine pass/fail.

It might be as simple as this:

func assert_wait_for_true(predicate, seconds, msg=''):
    await gut.get_awaiter().wait_for_value(predicate, true, seconds)
        _fail(str('predicate function did not return true before timeout:  ', msg))
        _pass(str('predicate function returned true: ', msg))

Hit "comment" too soon. Here's some addition points of consideration.

  • Should wait_for_value return the last value it got? I think you only really care if you get the expected value since, in the general case, the value could be anything each time it is called; so the last value doesn't tell you much of the story. It might be useful in constructing the pass/fail messages though.
  • Or! Should awaiter track all the values that it gets so we can print them when the test fails?
  • Do we need a "check interval" for wait_for_value? I can see someone passing an "expensive" predicate which shouldn't be run on every frame. I think this could be added later since the function signature would still make sense if we added a default parameter at the end wait_for_value(predicate, value, timeout, check_interval=-1).

Yes I'm happy to do it. Might take a while though, I'm just hobbying around. So if you get inspired feel free to do it! We can post progress here, whoever starts first :)

Starting work on it

Resolved by #609

@bitwes your Awaiter trick works. Let me know what you think 🀞

I called it assert_eventually, but it's not a strong preference. Pick whichever name fits best with your naming convention!

I think we could merge it as is and iterate later as needed.
To recap this thread, future ideas could be to make wait_until(predicate_function) public, and provide built-in predicate functions like is_signal_emitted(), is_freed(), file_exists(), etc

This is live now! This was a lot of fun to work through. Thanks for all your code and feedback!