bitmovin / bitmovin-player-ui

The Bitmovin Adaptive Streaming Player UI

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Accessing UIManager when replacing the built-in UI through location

ASpwalters opened this issue · comments

Is there a way to access the UIManager when using the location in the configuration to supply the custom built js/css files? I have the need to make use of adding timeline markers dynamically, which appears to exist as a function of uiManager, but I don't know how to access the uiManager instance.


It should be on window.playerui.UIManager.

We also use it like this in our index.html:

bitmovin.playerui.UIManager.setLocalizationConfig({ language: 'en', browserLanguageDetection: false });

This is defined in the gulpfile.js in case you want to modify it:

const outputnames = {
globalNamespace: argv.outputnames && argv.outputnames.globalNamespace || 'bitmovin.playerui',
filename: argv.outputnames && argv.outputnames.filename || 'bitmovinplayer-ui',
cssPrefix: argv.outputnames && argv.outputnames.cssPrefix || 'bmpui',

Hey @ASpwalters, did the comment above help you resolve your problem?