bitmovin / bitmovin-player-ui

The Bitmovin Adaptive Streaming Player UI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remove console logs on build-prod task

Christopholemon opened this issue · comments

We have a project that is hosting the built CSS and JS files of the Bitmovin Player UI.

I've been given a ticket to remove the console logs from the production JS file, but my options are either maintaining a separate repo (which causes problems when the main repo is updated) or manually removing them from the production file (which is a pain).

If its possible to update the main repo to remove the console logs when running build-prod that would be amazing.


As far as I can see there's only 7 calls of console.* for a few special conditions. We can simply remove them or hide behind a logging toggle flag.