bitmovin / bitmovin-player-ui

The Bitmovin Adaptive Streaming Player UI

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

'ads' namespace in Player instance is null

eneskaya opened this issue · comments

I want to schedule ads in the bm player (v8.2.1). Setup is following:

import BitmovinEngineModule from 'bitmovin-player/modules/bitmovinplayer-engine-bitmovin'
import XMLModule from 'bitmovin-player/modules/bitmovinplayer-xml'
import AdvertisingCore from 'bitmovin-player/modules/bitmovinplayer-advertising-core'
import AdvertisingBitmovin from 'bitmovin-player/modules/bitmovinplayer-advertising-bitmovin'
import AdvertisingIma from 'bitmovin-player/modules/bitmovinplayer-advertising-ima'


this.playerInstance = new Player(this.playerElem, this.playerConfig)


// And later calling the schedule method
private scheduleAd(properties: AdBreakConfig) {

Then I get the following error:

player.ts?9f2a:75 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'schedule' of null
    at default_1.scheduleAd (player.ts?9f2a:75)
    at eval (player.ts?9f2a:44)
    at default_1.emit (bus.ts?e9c7:55)
    at default_1.eval (watcher.ts?01a6:246)
    at step (watcher.ts:43)
    at Object.eval [as next] (watcher.ts:24)
    at fulfilled (watcher.ts:15)

The ads property of the player instance is always null. Help is appreciated!

As this is not related to this UI repo, I'm going to close this issue. Feel free to reach out to for general player issues.

However, I think your playerConfig does not contain an advertising config. It's required to "enable" advertising support, even if it's just an empty object.

Thanks, that was the issue 👍