bitmovin / bitmovin-player-ui

The Bitmovin Adaptive Streaming Player UI

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Use of Prettier/large diffs when maintaining custom UI

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I’m currently setting up a custom UI, and I need to maintain my own version of bitmovin-player-ui. I like to use Prettier with format-on-save enabled, both because it takes the hassle out of formatting code, but also because it is easy to detect wether or not the code compiles.

Are you using/have you considered using Prettier internally – and in any case would you share your settings? That would make the diffs a lot smaller.

Hi, we have considered using Prettier but decided against it for the time being. We want to keep changesets as small as possible and adjust our code style progressively as PRs are merged to avoid one large reformatting PR that basically "resets" Git blame functionality.

Thanks for the quick response. I totally understand. I will rather see if I can disable Prettier for this particular project.