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Show a bmp, png, jpg or sprite from SPIFFS

e-labInnovations opened this issue · comments

I would like to show an image (BMP, png, jpg or sprite) from SPIFFS to VGA (MODE640x400 or any).
How is this possible?

This is an old goal. It would be great if you can help.
Try using the "examples/GFXWrapper", and the Adafruit_ImageReader library.
Please keep us posted of your progress.

Hi, my library works with Adafruit GFX but I cannot test with the GFXWrapper. You opened an issue without further information... which error do you get? Where can I found your code?

Hello Luca. I invited e-labInnovations to look into this topic and he found your library and wrote to you.
I read that you developed with ESP32. Thus, you could test this library without any hardware (just some jumper wires to a VGA cable or a composite TV). Clone the "development" branch (not the master) and have a look at the examples. In the src/vga and src/composite folders, header files have some simple schematics.
It would be really nice if your library and this one could work together.

Hi Martin, unfortunately at the moment I'm on a job travel and I won't be able to work on this for at least a month: that's why I was asking @e-labInnovations if he made some tests with the two libraries or he was "only" asking for anyone to do the job for him...

Hi @lucadentella
I tried your library with this library. Here is my code

#include <ESP32Lib.h>
#include <GfxWrapper.h>
#include <SPIFFS.h>
#include <SPIFFS_ImageReader.h>

//VGA Device
VGA3Bit vga;
GfxWrapper<VGA3Bit> gfx(vga, 640, 400);
// Image reader
SPIFFS_ImageReader reader;

//pin configuration
#define redPin  12
#define  greenPin  14
#define  bluePin  27
#define  hsyncPin  26
#define  vsyncPin  25

//initial setup
void setup() {
  // initialize SPIFFS
  if(!SPIFFS.begin()) {
    Serial.println("SPIFFS initialisation failed!");
    while (1);
  vga.init(vga.MODE640x400, redPin, greenPin, bluePin, hsyncPin, vsyncPin);

  // draw image
  reader.drawBMP("/minion.bmp", gfx, 0, 0);

void loop() {


Here is the compilation error

ESP32_VGA_SPIFFS_Bitmap:29:42: error: no matching function for call to 'SPIFFS_ImageReader::drawBMP(const char [12], GfxWrapper<VGA3Bit>&, int, int)'
   reader.drawBMP("/minion.bmp", gfx, 0, 0);

\SPIFFS_ImageReader_Library\src/SPIFFS_ImageReader.h:97:19: note: candidate: ImageReturnCode SPIFFS_ImageReader::drawBMP(char*, Adafruit_SPITFT&, int16_t, int16_t, boolean)
   ImageReturnCode drawBMP(char *filename, Adafruit_SPITFT &tft, int16_t x,


unfortunately my library requires an Adafruit_SPITFT object (the second parameter of the drawBMP method).

That is an intermediate object included in the Adafruit_GFX library:

From what I understood, the GfxWrapper provided with this library is a wrapper for the "main" class (Adafruit_GFX) and therefore cannot be used directly with my library. You should write a "fake" SPITFT object or rewrite part of my library.