bitfireAT / dav4jvm

WebDAV (including CalDAV, CardDAV) library for the Java virtual machine (Java/Kotlin)

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The forceOverride parameter in DavResource.move() does the opposite

zhanghai opened this issue · comments

Looking at

if (forceOverride) requestBuilder.header("Overwrite", "F")

The code only sets Overwrite: F when forceOverride is true, however A value of "F" states that the server should not perform the COPY Method or MOVE Method if the state of the destination resource is not null (source), which seems to be the opposite.

True… for some reason I thought "F" stands for "force". Meaningful values are a nice thing…

Thanks for the speedy fix! Do you have a plan to make a new release in the near future?

For DAVx5? If you only need it in dav4jvm, you can use it with the commit ID, like DAVx5 does.