bitcoinjs / bitcoinjs-lib

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[Question] How to watch blocks like viem.watchBlocks?

mlopezpollux opened this issue · comments

Hey, guys! How is it going? Hope you are doing well :)

I'm making a monitoring server for deposits in different chains and I encountered that in EVM chains is really easy with viem's watchBlocks method but I'm not really sure what is the parallel in the bitcoin network.

Please and thank you so much!

Hey, guys! How is it going? Hope you are doing well :)

I'm making a monitoring server for deposits in different chains and I encountered that in EVM chains is really easy with viem's watchBlocks method but I'm not really sure what is the parallel in the bitcoin network.

Please and thank you so much!

bitcoinjs don`t support watchBlocks

You can use service from mempool:

Hey, guys! How is it going? Hope you are doing well :)
I'm making a monitoring server for deposits in different chains and I encountered that in EVM chains is really easy with viem's watchBlocks method but I'm not really sure what is the parallel in the bitcoin network.
Please and thank you so much!

bitcoinjs don`t support watchBlocks

You can use service from mempool:

Thank you so much for your response, @jasonandjay. I was looking more for a connection with an own bitcoin node for cheaper costs because I'm bootstrapping the project right now. I'm running a Chainstack Bitcoin node but can't connect with the bitcoin-core library, always returns timeout :/

I'm sorry that I can't help you.
Ask help to @junderw
He is experienced and may be able to help you.