bitcoinjs / bitcoinjs-lib

A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers.

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attach "hello world" in transaction using bitcoinjs-lib

yazancash opened this issue · comments

var txb = new bitcoin.TransactionBuilder(bitcoin.networks.zcash, 0);

txb.setVersionGroupId(parseInt('0x892f2085', 16));

var txHash = bitcoin.Buffer.from('a87acacc6945d7755e41590f8ef0aad65ee0e0f9d496177b7ffc90d8da4b8c36', 'hex').reverse();

txb.addOutput('t1YUjzMURojUDia99QSQoE7sHSho3faNY7P', 900000);

var keyPair = bitcoin.ECPair.fromWIF(MyPrivateKey, bitcoin.networks.zcash);
txb.sign(0, keyPair, '', 0x03, 1000000);;

how can i include "hello world" text data, or buffer data, in like this transaction ?

We don't support non-Bitcoin networks, and from the looks of your example, zcash has deviated too far from Bitcoin to make this library of any use to your app.

setExpiry and setVersionGroupId are concepts I have never heard of, and TransactionBuilder has been deleted from this library for many many years.