bitcoinjs / bitcoinjs-lib

A javascript Bitcoin library for node.js and browsers.

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A Comprehensive Documentation for BitcoinJs-Lib.

Muniru0 opened this issue · comments

Bitcoinjs-lib though a fanstastic piece of work from it's active and passionate contributors currently lack documentation. This make's it extremely difficult for new users (including my very self) to get started and for some existing users to fully utilize it's features. As such with this documentation I intend to provide a conprehensive , clear and user-friendly guidelines to the library. Covering aspects including Installation, Configuration , Usage examples , API reference and Troubleshooting common errors.

Work Scope:

  1. Installation Process: Steps involved in the installation and use of the library in different environments.
  2. Get Started Tutorial : A guide that will help users to perform simple tasks with the library in minutes.
  3. Examples : Sequence of examples to illustrate the library's common use cases and showcasing its capabilities and effective usage.
  4. Short Descriptions: Short descriptions of the various functions and their uses within the library.
  5. Troubleshooting: Offer solutions to common errors associated with the library.

All the documentation will be written in Markdown and organized with a docs directory in the repository.

We have 3 in the README.

Closing in favor of #1986

Feel free to help review and/or build upon that PR.

I generally agree with the ideas behind your sections, but it must be done in a way that minimizes duplication of work. If someone modifies code, they shouldn't have to go searching for 7 different places in the docs that reference that code to modify. It should all be in a comment next to the area they modified. This is why something like Rust's rustdoc is so great, and it seems like #1986 utilizes some tooling to reduce the need for manually syncing a bunch of docs with the code.

Okay. Sure.