bitcoinjs / bip66

Strict DER signatures

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Accord bip66, lenR check bug

guotie opened this issue · comments

if (5 + lenR >= buffer.length) return false

should be

if (5 + lenR > buffer.length) return false

because buffer is slice the last byte.

    // Make sure the length of the S element is still inside the signature.
    if (5 + lenR >= sig.size()) return false;

@guotie can you provide a test fixture?

because buffer is slice the last byte.

What buffer.slice?

I mean the input param buffer length = origin buffer length - 1, so the condition should be change accord the code :

    // Make sure the length of the S element is still inside the signature.
    if (5 + lenR >= sig.size()) return false;

@guotie buffer length = origin buffer length - 1 what?
Can you directly link to the code you are querying?

line 16

@guotie I have no idea what you are referring to.

There is no buffer.length - 1.
There is no buffer.slice.

If you could provide a test case that shows clearly what isn't working, I'll re-open this issue, but as is, the code appears to be OK.

I don't doubt you might be on to something, but, I can't see based on the hints you are providing 😕 .

Are you saying it should be 4 + lenR?

yes, I think so

See #12 for working PR, tests needed though