bitchwhocodes / stackoverflowaggregation

Node Express app that aggregates Stack Overflow unanswered questions - dumps in mongo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Stack Overflow Aggregation

Node Express app that aggregates Stack Overflow unanswered questions - dumps in mongo

What this Application does

This app allows users to subscribe so that they can get the latest unanswered questions on Stack Overflow searched by predefined tags. You could modify your search terms.

It polls Stack overflow daily, which is triggered by a Web Job in Azure.


This application includes the node modules, as it has MODIFIED the stackoverflow module to include the unanswered endpoint. It requires:

  • MongoDB module
  • SendGrid module
  • Async module
  • Stackoverflow module ( modified and NOT INCLUDED in the package.json)
  • DotEnv for env variables

What can be learned from here

  • Potentially excessive and arguably bad use of the Async library for all the crazy async shit that is going on to poll the api repeatedly and then dump into the db.
  • Rendering of Jade to html string for Email
  • Example of using the Send Grid API for email
  • Example of using $in operator in Mongo


You will need keys for:

  • SendGrid API
  • StackOverflow API


You will need to set environment variables for the DB connection, the api keys.


Node Express app that aggregates Stack Overflow unanswered questions - dumps in mongo


Language:JavaScript 69.0%Language:HTML 22.3%Language:CSS 8.7%