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Deleting a quote with a match unintuitively requires the account name and will not accept a nick

MineRobber9000 opened this issue · comments

17:19 < khuxkm> ,qdel [smlckz]=,grab
17:19 < tildebot> [Quotes] Quote not found
17:20 < khuxkm> ,qdel [smlckz]=,grab 1 [smlckz]
17:20 < tildebot> [Quotes] Quote not found
17:20 < khuxkm> ,q [smlckz]=,grab
17:20 < tildebot> [Quotes] smlckz (,grab [1 found]): <[smlckz]> ,grab 1 [smlckz]
17:20 < khuxkm> ,qdel [smlckz]=<[smlckz]> ,grab 1 [smlckz]
17:20 < tildebot> [Quotes] Quote not found
17:20 < khuxkm> bruh
17:20 < khuxkm> ,qdel smlckz=<[smlckz]> ,grab 1 [smlckz]
17:20 < tildebot> [Quotes] Removed quote from 'smlckz' (<[smlckz]> ,grab 1 [smlckz])

Meanwhile, without the match:

17:17 < [smlckz]> ,qdel [smlckz]
17:17 < tildebot> [Quotes] Removed last '[smlckz]' quote (<[smlckz]> mine is $(pass-man --fast --for kumquat) or more succintly `pmn -ff kumquat`)

What's weird is that this isn't an issue when getting or adding quotes, only when deleting them.