bioinformatics-ua / dicoogle-client-js

Dicoogle Client - Javascript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Remove limit results.

Darktuse opened this issue · comments

When i tried to retrieve more than 100 studies, the result ends with a "... X more items]".
I can't find a option to remove this limit or change it.
Is any way I can change this modifying the code?
Could you help me?


Can you provide the sample code that reproduces the issue? Can't tell for sure without it, but it might just be that you called console.log(results) on Node.js, which will print the value for human readability. If you want the program to print everything, you can try console.log(JSON.stringify(results)) instead.

You may also consider using the separate DIM-based search API searchDIM, which will yield an aggregation of studies by patient.

Not really a code. Simply using windows prompt after installing dicoogle-client via npm. a example against demo dicoogle server would be
dicoogle-query -p lucene -s "" "Modality:MR AND StudyDate:[20040422 TO 20060422]
That query left 371 items not displayed.

I see. dicoogle-query is not feature-complete on this end, is mostly presented here as an example of usage, not as a first-class application. We appreciate suggestions to improve this binary, although it's not on our priority list.

When dicoogle-query is called from something that is not a text terminal, it will print valid JSON with the full content. I'll be adding a flag so that this behaviour can be overridden both ways.

@Darktuse I have published a new version with the --json flag. Still, we suggest reconsidering its use. If you wish to make an automated processing pipeline of the search results, a JavaScript program with the actual library can do the orchestration. When it's just to observe the results as an end user, we recommend the web application.

Thanks. I'll think about this.

I'll be closing this issue, but if you would like to suggest concrete changes to the CLI, feel free to file a new one.