bioinf-jku / TTUR

Two time-scale update rule for training GANs

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KeyError: "The name 'FID_Inception_Net/pool_3:0' refers to a Tensor which does not exist. The operation, 'FID_Inception_Net/pool_3', does not exist in the graph."

mzc0119 opened this issue · comments

Hello, thanks for your wonderful work. I run in colab and I have met an error recently. but I don't know how to fix it.
Here is the whole message:

create inception graph.. ok
calculte FID stats..

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
6 with tf.compat.v1.Session() as Sess:
----> 8 mu_gen, sigma_gen = fid.calculate_activation_statistics(images, Sess, batch_size=100)
10 fid.fid_value = calculate_frechet_distance(mu_gen, sigma_gen, mu_real, sigma_real)

5 frames
/content/TTUR/ in calculate_activation_statistics(images, sess, batch_size, verbose)
178 the incption model.
179 """
--> 180 act = get_activations(images, sess, batch_size, verbose)
181 mu = np.mean(act, axis=0)
182 sigma = np.cov(act, rowvar=False)

/content/TTUR/ in get_activations(images, sess, batch_size, verbose)
81 activations of the given tensor when feeding inception with the query tensor.
82 """
---> 83 inception_layer = _get_inception_layer(sess)
84 n_images = images.shape[0]
85 if batch_size > n_images:

/content/TTUR/ in _get_inception_layer(sess)
47 """Prepares inception net for batched usage and returns pool_3 layer. """
48 layername = 'FID_Inception_Net/pool_3:0'
---> 49 pool3 = sess.graph.get_tensor_by_name(layername)
50 ops = pool3.graph.get_operations()
51 for op_idx, op in enumerate(ops):

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ in get_tensor_by_name(self, name)
3900 raise TypeError("Tensor names are strings (or similar), not %s." %
3901 type(name).name)
-> 3902 return self.as_graph_element(name, allow_tensor=True, allow_operation=False)
3904 def _get_tensor_by_tf_output(self, tf_output):

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ in as_graph_element(self, obj, allow_tensor, allow_operation)
3725 with self._lock:
-> 3726 return self._as_graph_element_locked(obj, allow_tensor, allow_operation)
3728 def _as_graph_element_locked(self, obj, allow_tensor, allow_operation):

/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/framework/ in _as_graph_element_locked(self, obj, allow_tensor, allow_operation)
3766 raise KeyError("The name %s refers to a Tensor which does not "
3767 "exist. The operation, %s, does not exist in the "
-> 3768 "graph." % (repr(name), repr(op_name)))
3769 try:
3770 return op.outputs[out_n]

KeyError: "The name 'FID_Inception_Net/pool_3:0' refers to a Tensor which does not exist. The operation, 'FID_Inception_Net/pool_3', does not exist in the graph."

I am having this same issue. Worked file on my Windows10 machine but when trying to use it in linux I got this same error

I've fixed the issue by deleting "FID_Inception_Net" from create_inception_graph, _get_inception_layer, and get_activations. The problem is probably due to the Colab's different path.

I've fixed the issue by deleting "FID_Inception_Net" from create_inception_graph, _get_inception_layer, and get_activations. The problem is probably due to the Colab's different path.

Thanks a lot!
For people noob like me. Just use google's tf upgrade tool. Then whereever "FID_Inception_Net" is there. Change it to "FID_Inception_Net". If "FID_Inception_Net/something" then "something".