biodavidjm / artMS

Analytical R Tools for Mass Spectrometry

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Feature request: allow duplications for artmsMapUniprot2Entrez

vivaciousvijaya opened this issue · comments

Hi David,

I'm trying to use the artmsMapUniprot2Entrez() function for getting entrez and genename entries for a list of uniprot IDs from D.melanogaster database. In my list, a lot of the entries are duplicated. I want to merge the output of the aforementioned function with my original table so I would like duplicated entries (in some cases multiple entries) and their mapped genenames and entrez ids to stay duplicated. But when this function is used as such, it disregards the duplicate entries and automatically removes the repeated ones and gives me as output only one genename and entrezID for that specific entry. Can you please suggest a way to modify this function so that it gives me an output for the duplicate entries as well so that the rows in the output can be simply merged with my initial list?

Thank you so much.
