biodavidjm / artMS

Analytical R Tools for Mass Spectrometry

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Minor issue in artms_getMSstatsFormat default parameters, future bug maybe

bpolacco opened this issue · comments

Check out the default parameter list for the current .artms_getMSstatsFormat below, in particular data_object=data_object. If this is called without passing in a value for data_object, this will fail. This is an internal function only, so not particularly dangerous as coded, but may be a future headache for somebody. I propose declaring it as data_object = FALSE to be consistent with its only calling function at this point: artMSQuantification.

.artms_getMSstatsFormat <- function(data_f, 
                                    funfunc = "sum",
                                    data_object = data_object,
                                    verbose = TRUE) {

Done! Thanks Ben!