bigrocketgames / javascript-inheritance-patterns-lab-v-000

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JavaScript Inheritance Patterns Lab


  1. Practice writing JavaScript objects that inherit from other objects
  2. Practice using Object.create()
  3. Practice use hasOwnProperty()
  4. Explain what a prototype is in JavaScript


In this lab we're going to create a geometry application that allows us to place various shapes on a plane and move them about. We'll be using prototypal inheritance with Object.create to build objects that inherit from and extend base objects. For a refresher on using prototypal inheritance with Object.create, check the MDN example.

We'll also be exploring the idea of composition, or using objects as parts with which we'll compose other objects. If inheritance describes an is-a relationship, then you can think of composition as describing a has-a relationship.

For instance, if a Car has a property engine property, and that property holds an Engine object with its own properties and methods, that's composition. An Engine would never inherit from Car, and a Car would never inherit from Engine, but we can use an Engine (and other objects) to compose a Car.

Remember that a prototype is essentially just an object, and any properties and methods we add to an object's prototype will be available to all objects that inherit from that prototype via delegation. If a property or method isn't found on an object, then JavaScript will look at every object up the prototype chain until it is found (or not).

Follow the instructions below, and don't forget to make sure your tests pass!


  1. Define a Point object that is constructed with an x,y coordinate pair to indicate its position. Add a toString function to the Point prototype to return the location in (x, y) format.
  2. Define a Shape object. This will be the base for all shapes on the plane. It should have an addToPlane function that takes two integers, x and y, as arguments. This function should assign a Point to the Shape's position property based on these arguments. Shape should also define a move function that takes an x,y pair of arguments and moves the position to a new Point.
  3. Define a Circle object that inherits from Shape and is constructed with an integer argument that sets the radius property. Define and implement functions on Circle to calculate area() and circumference() based on the radius.
  4. Define a Polygon object that inherits from Shape. It should be constructed with an array of Side objects that have a length property. Polygon should have a property called sides that holds the array of Side objects. Implement a function called perimeter() that calculates the perimeter of any Polygon based on the lengths of the sides. Implement a function called numberOfSides() that returns the number of sides.
  5. Define a Quadrilateral object that inherits from Polygon and is constructed with four integer arguments representing the side lengths.
  6. Define a Triangle object that inherits from Polygon and is constructed with three integer arguments representing the side lengths.
  7. Define a Rectangle object that inherits from Quadrilateral and is constructed with two integer arguments that set width and height properties. Implement an area() function to calculate the area.
  8. Define a Square object that inherits from Rectangle and is constructed with a single integer argument that sets a length property. If everything is wired up right in the prototype chain, Square should have access to area(), perimeter(), numberOfSides(), addToPlane(), position, move(), width, height and so on.
  9. Define and implement a function for Square called listProperties() that returns a string containing only the properties that belong to Square. It should not list the constructor, area, perimeter, and other things inherited from the prototype chain.


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Language:JavaScript 91.6%Language:HTML 8.4%