bigplum / Nginx-limit-traffic-rate-module

Limiting rate by given variables(like $request_uri, $remote_addr, etc..).

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deny limit exceeding connections

kraiz opened this issue · comments

I need to deny new connections if they would exceed the limit. I can't risk to slow down current connections.

Is there a way to access the last_rate variable or do you have another suggestion for me?

There is no last_rate var in nginx.

Average rate could be gotten from (r->connection->sent / sec), but it's
different with last rate.

To calculate last rate, the time windown must be defined firstly. It
means that you want the rate
in last 1 minute or 10 seconds.

For example, If you want the last rate in 10 seconds, the limit module
could save the connection sent bytes
in every seconds looply into a 10 elements array for last 10 seconds. Then

last_rate = (r->connection->sent - sent_bytes[10] ) / 10

于 2013-2-7 15:45, Lars Kreisz 写道:

I need to deny new connections if they would exceed the limit. I can't
risk to slow down current connections.

Is there a way to access the last_rate variable or do you have another
suggestion for me?

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Ok, i thought you could expose some of your variables into the configuration. Thx for your suggestion, but i'm not really willing to delelop my own nginx plugin. Thx anyway :)