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bigchaindb network has stopped. (err="Wrong Block.Header.AppHash)

rampa069 opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

After 3 years working, all the nodes have stopped with Apphash error

To Reproduce
not sure, as nobody has upgraded nor added new nodes.

Expected behavior

the network should generate new blocks.

Logs or terminal output
@400000006285272033d858b4 E[2022-05-18|19:04:22.869] enterPrevote: ProposalBlock is invalid module=consensus height=1740701 round=790 err="Wrong Block.Header.AppHash. Expected 62656634333036643834393534353633386261656531616461646433356636323637336335326266353131333764313536616230313563373133353530626164, got 38383161336331323564363131383532383065383564396538653464666264613138613532663266363037613764626237373935363834653033633462313633"
Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • Distribution: Ubuntu 18.04
  • Bigchaindb version: 2.0.0
  • Tendermint version: 0.31.5
  • Mongodb version: 3.6.3
  • Python full version: Python 3.6

Additional context
bigchaindb cluster with 4 validators. all the nodes share the same versions.

Found a similar issue in cosmos-sdk: cosmos/cosmos-sdk#4254

So is Bigchaindb family not supporting it? I was considering using it in a project, but now I'm scared!