bietkul / react-native-form-builder

Handle your forms in a smart way

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[iOS] keyboard appearance makes form scroll up an becomes invisible

omatrot opened this issue · comments

This is a strange one.
The form is working fine on Android.

On iOS as soon as the keyboard shows up the form foes up and disappears in the containing scroll view.
I have to drag it back down to interract with the fields.

Any idea?

I was getting this same error, running on iOS, with dependencies: "react-native-keyboard-aware-scroll-view": "^0.5.0".

I was able to fix it by adding a prop to the KeyboardAwareScrollView component on Line 368 of /src/formBuilder/index.js. The original code is:


I fixed the error by adding the enableAutomaticScroll prop and setting that to false like so:


This worked for my use case, but you might need to tweak them further. You can refer to for documentation and available props for the KeyboardAwareScrollView component.