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Search for the substitute of Activity.cpp in BehaviorStatus

infCraft opened this issue · comments

We are conducting our code using BHuman 2023 code release, but when transforming our code from code release 2022, we found that the Activity.cpp in folder \Src\Modules\BehaviorControl\SkillBehaviorControl\Skills\Output\BehaviorStatus\Activity.cpp was deleted. Also, in the code release 2022, we found that in the Src/Representations/BehaviorControl
/BehaviorStatus.h there was a enum including Activities, which didn't appear in the same file in code release 2023. Nevertheless, we need to use Activity for communication between robots. What is the substitute of the Activity in 2023?
Thanks for your reply!

There is no direct replacement (technically, its replacement is calibrationFinished, because that is the only thing we used the activity for). If you still need to communicate something like an activity in the BehaviorStatus, I suggest to undo the changes from 2022 to 2023 related to BehaviorStatus. Note that in order to be communicated, activity must appear in Config/Scenarios/Default/teamMessage.def and probably in TeamMessageHandler::behaviorStatusChanged.