bhdicaire / rssFeeds

Curated RSS feeds

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Curated RSS feeds

You cannot possibly read all the news and there is overlap on email newsletters, LinkedIN, Reddit, and twitter. The signal vs noise is killing me, I prefer to follow a couple of stellar individual to obtain the important stuff.

This repository consolidate my RSS feeds that I'm currently reading. Fork this repository and improve your RSS feeds. Even better, send me an update :)

I'm currently using Reeder on my ipad supported by Feedly.

Please make your RSS easier to find!

It’s hard to find everyone’s RSS feeds. I got into a pattern of looking for domain/feed|rss|atom before giving up. Most blogging platforms or static site generators have plugins or templates that create RSS feeds automatically. I want to cmd + f on your site and find RSS. At least once I even scoured the GitHub repo for clues. It is sad to give up searching for a stellar person I follow on Twitter or find elsewhere, knowing that their future content will be relegated to the unforgiving stream only.