bhaweshksingh / laravel-starter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Laravel Docker

This Laravel starter template is intended to be used for new projects that utilize Docker for local development and/or production.

  • Pre-configured docker-compose.yml that uses nginx, php-fpm and MySQL.
  • gitlab branch for a CI pipeline that builds, tests and pushes containers to the registry. Add a deploy step to meet your needs and you're done
  • travis-ci branch includes examples using Travis-CI for building docker containers, running tests against them and pushing them to Dockerhub.

Take the contents of this repository and drop these files into the root of your project. Then run the following commands:

  • docker-compose up - Brings the containers online. The fist time through this will build your containers
  • docker-compose exec web php artisan migrate --seed - Runs the migrations/seeders from within the docker container
  • Access your site at http://localhost


No configuration required.

Travis-CI & Dockerhub Setup

Create a repository and replace bkuhl/laravel-starter with your project's repository information in .travis-ci.yml and docker-compose.yml.

Travis-CI Setup

Configure the following environment variables:


This user needs to have permission to write to the DockerHub repository so that it can push images.

Development requirements
