bharatsingh430 / py-R-FCN-multiGPU

Code for training py-faster-rcnn and py-R-FCN on multiple GPUs in caffe

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Error appears when running

fighting-liu opened this issue · comments

Hello, is there anything wrong with your provided rfcn model?
When i run '', following message appears

and when i run '' for faster rcnn demo, everything runs fine.

I got the same problem.

are you using the coco branch?

I used the master branch, and caffe was built successfully. ( CUDA 8.0 with cuDNN ver5.1)

please read the readme

Thank you, the multi-gpus model is training now.

I have the same problem? Did you solve this problem, what's the method?
@zhanghaoinf @bharatsingh430

Hi, @liu09114 , I checked before when I used the detection model published by msra (models store in onedrive), the problem will occur. If you initialize and train your own model with resnet-101 (classification model pre-trained on ImageNet-1000), the problem will disappear. By the way, you need the coco branch to train your own model.

I think the sentence "If you want to use/train this model, please use the coco branch of this repository. " in the readme is important. :)

@liu09114, I guess there might be a slightly difference (maybe names, args ... ) in the detection layers between original py-rfcn and py-rfcn-multi-gpu version, which causes the failure of loading models trained with py-rfcn which I am not sure.

I have clone the coco branch by the following command
git clone --recursive --branch coco --single-branch
But still not working. How to solve this issues @zhanghaoinf

I got this error too. so, what is the difference between py-rfcn and py-rfcn-multi-gpu version?

@xmubingo Hi, it has been half a year since I last use py-rfcn-mulit-gpu. I try to answer this as much as I can. After cloning this repo, switch to coco branch ("git branch -a" to list all branches, "git checkout -b experimental XXX", use "git branch" to view the change). Try coco model provided in this repo instead of models downloaded from MSRA one drive.

Note 2 differences:

  1. The name of the model is different. In the code, name is resnet101_rfcn_final,actual is coco_rfcn.caffemodel

  2. Different paths, the code default is
    cfg.models_dir = '/home/XXX/py-R-FCN-multiGPU-coco-branch/models/pascal_voc'
    The actual is:
    cfg.models_dir = '/home/XXX/py-R-FCN-multiGPU-coco-branch/models/coco'
    Because this is the coco data set training model