bharatsingh430 / py-R-FCN-multiGPU

Code for training py-faster-rcnn and py-R-FCN on multiple GPUs in caffe

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pretrained model on mscoco

funnyzhou opened this issue · comments

I'm very happy to see a released R-FCN model on MS COCO. However, I noticed that the coco test_agnostic.prototxt didn't fit the released model well. Would you please release the right prototxt?

did you use the coco branch? What error do you get?

For example, the output dimenson of "rpn_cls_score" in the released model is 30, while in the test_agnostic.prototxt, it is 24. Is this my fault?

you need to clone the coco branch, not master

Ok :). I got it. Thank you very much.