flutter-ml / google_ml_kit_flutter

A flutter plugin that implements Google's standalone ML Kit

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Increased App Size

lks-nbg opened this issue · comments

After implementing google_ml_kit, the app size is increased by ~85 MB in debug mode and ~44 MB in release mode. I investigated this with the app size tool and found that all models/resources are always included, even if they are not used. So it would be great to be able to configure which resources are used and and which can be excluded.

The firebase_ml_vision plugin had the same issue (firebase/flutterfire#4767) and I was able to adapt the workaround of excluding unused resources to google_ml_kit and wanted to share it. In my case I am currently only using the language detection feature therefore I don't need pose detection, etc.

The workaround for Android looks like that and increases the app size by less than 3 MB:

android {

    // some other code 

    buildTypes {
        release {
            // some other code 

            aaptOptions {
                ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:!mlkit_label_default_model:'
        debug {
            // some other code 

            aaptOptions {
                ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:!mlkit_label_default_model:'

    packagingOptions {
        exclude 'lib/**/libtranslate_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libdigitalink.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libxeno_native.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libmlkitcommonpipeline.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libbarhopper_v2.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libclassifier_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libface_detector_v2_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libtensorflowlite_jni.so'
        // exclude 'lib/**/liblanguage_id_jni.so' → required for language detection

Since a workaround does exist, this is not a pressing issue, but I think many developers would appreciate some sort of configuration option :)

@lks-nbg Thanks for pointing it out. I'll add this in the docs.

Hi @lks-nbg
Which one should I comment to use image label?

@adriancsbna libclassifier_jni

Hello @bharat-biradar.

I have applied it but the size of the App has not decreased.
What should I add in ignoreAssetsPattern?

Yep, this did work it reduced my app-release.apk size from 323MB to 86MB but can I reduce it even more? because I only want to use OCR (image text reader).

@adriancsbna Could give me the android part of build.gradle that you used in your app. The same section mentioned by iks-ngb

@MalayAgrawal Maybe it can be reduced. I looked at the size of our example app using devtools and I found this.
You can exclude models by mentioning it in ignoreAssetsPattern but I'm not sure which among these models are used for OCR.
First try by excluding whole model folder and then individually for each older. Let me know if it works.

Hi @bharat-biradar here you have it

I managed to reduce the size by adding ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:' but I'm sure I can add more to lower the size further. Do you know what options there are to add there?

buildTypes {
release {
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
aaptOptions {
ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:'
debug {
signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
aaptOptions {
ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:'

packagingOptions {
    exclude 'lib/**/libtranslate_jni.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libdigitalink.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libxeno_native.so'
    //exclude 'lib/**/libmlkitcommonpipeline.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libbarhopper_v2.so'
    //exclude 'lib/**/libclassifier_jni.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libface_detector_v2_jni.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libtensorflowlite_jni.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/liblanguage_id_jni.so'
buildTypes {
       release {
           signingConfig signingConfigs.release
            aaptOptions {
                ignoreAssetsPattern "mlkit_pose"
   packagingOptions {
        exclude 'lib/**/libtranslate_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libdigitalink.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libxeno_native.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libmlkitcommonpipeline.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libbarhopper_v2.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libclassifier_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libface_detector_v2_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libtensorflowlite_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/liblanguage_id_jni.so'

Screenshot_2021-05-27 DevTools for Flutter Dart

OCR is working great and app size reduced to 30MB approx

@adriancsbna Try adding models along with mlkit_pose

since I'm using this package for scanning barcode to get results which unnecessary lib and models i need to excluded?
Thank you in advance : )

@TusharPatel18 I think you should comment out common pipeline and libbarh... I'm not sure I'm guessing as it looks similar to barcode, in in ignore assets add mlkit_pse and image label. Scroll up to see this implementation

since I'm using this package for scanning barcode to get results which unnecessary lib and models i need to excluded?
Thank you in advance : )

One of my apps only uses it for barcode scanning, the following is how I have it configured:

Click to expand
packagingOptions {
    exclude 'lib/**/libtranslate_jni.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libdigitalink.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libxeno_native.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libmlkitcommonpipeline.so'
    // exclude 'lib/**/libbarhopper_v2.so' → required for barcode detection
    exclude 'lib/**/libclassifier_jni.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libface_detector_v2_jni.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/libtensorflowlite_jni.so'
    exclude 'lib/**/liblanguage_id_jni.so'

I'm not super familiar with the iOS side of things, is there an equivalent solution for iOS? Or is it necessary at all?

not for now, 3rd party dependencies are managed in Xcode using Cocoapods or Swift Package Manager, ours uses Cocoapods. Eventually I will work on a way to only add the scanners you need, but for now in iOS the bundle comes with all.

I am working on an app to use face detection only. Is there any more stuff I can add to the ignoreAssetsPattern under aaptOptions to use only face recognition?

My current release app size is 58MB. The app is basically the example app from this repo with everything removed except the face recognition parts.

This is my current aaptOptions

aaptOptions {
                ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:!mlkit_label_default_model:'

@ashwinkey04 Analyze the app size through dev tools and look at the instances under assets section. Try removing those which seem unnecessary. An example screenshot can be obtained above.

Thanks a lot @bharat-biradar. I removed a few models without breaking the app and managed to bring the size down to 35 MB for the bulk release apk and 23 MB for v8a. Yet to try and remove more assets as I am expected to make something less than 10 MB. Thanks for the time :)

@adriancsbna Thanks. how to reduce app size in IOS?

I want to use Japanese Text recognition only. What should I do?

@ashwinkey04 What did you exclude for only facedetection ?

I'm only using facedetector
My gradle file looks like this

buildTypes {
		release {
			// TODO: Add your own signing config for the release build.
			// Signing with the debug keys for now, so `flutter run --release` works.
			signingConfig signingConfigs.debug
			aaptOptions {
				ignoreAssetsPattern 'mlkit_pose'
				ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:!mlkit_label_default_model:'
				ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:'
		debug {
			aaptOptions {
				ignoreAssetsPattern 'mlkit_pose'
				ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:!mlkit_label_default_model:'
				ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:'
	packagingOptions {
		exclude 'lib/**/libtranslate_jni.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/libdigitalink.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/libxeno_native.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/libmlkitcommonpipeline.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/libbarhopper_v2.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/libclassifier_jni.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/libpredictor_jni.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/libtextclassifier3_jni_tclib.so'
		// exclude 'lib/**/libface_detector_v2_jni.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/libtensorflowlite_jni.so'
		exclude 'lib/**/liblanguage_id_jni.so'

But the size is still huge.. especially the hobbes.tflite,

Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 11 57 16

Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 11 58 19

What else do I exclude ?

@wazini-john Try excluding hobbes.tflite it should not be related to face detection IG.

How can i remove hobbes.tflite, I also need only for face detection

@deepaklohmod6789 Mention hobbes.tflite in ignoreAssetsPattern along with any other assets you want to ignore. Refer to the example above.

aaptOptions {
                ignoreAssetsPattern 'mlkit_pose'
                ignoreAssetsPattern 'hobbes.tflite'
                ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:!mlkit_label_default_model:'
                ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:'

I did this but still the size is 86.6 mb

@deepaklohmod6789 run flutter clean then flutter pub get...
combine all options to one string ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_pose:!mlkit_label_default_model:!hobbes.tflite:'

@cngeru thanks a lot, it worked : )

Is there any technical reason that is holding us back from splitting this plugin into multiple packages? I don't see one use case where I need all the ml-models at once. Or do I oversee something?

@swissonid i completely agree. I think would add more value if we can split the models into different module like - TextRecognise, BarCode Reader etc...

@SatishKumarRaizada and @swissonid Someone opened an issue regarding this issue here

@swissonid, @SatishKumarRaizada: collaboration is always welcome, feel free to send a PR with what you are proposing

@swissonid I am checking if we can work with unbundled models instead of model bundels. If it works I think size won't be an issue then.

@fbernaly I spend yesterday on smaller lib (google_ml_vision )because that the one we use right now. Anyway, the problem is the same. And with a "simple" PR it isn't done. If the vision of this Plugin / Lib is to split it into smaller pieces, that will a fundamental change in the architecture. And gonna take its time.
This is a sketched possible solution. Not Yet finished.

Thanks @swissonid : I will look at it. Splitting this plugin into multiple packages will take some time. First we need to have parity between iOS and Android, because right now we have some features implemented in Android but not in iOS.

Any ideas to reduce AppSize in iOS. I am only using OCR and app size after including this plugin increases by ~50MB.

How we reduce app size in IOS ?

@Surajsahani28 I couldn’t find a way to reduce the app size with this plugin..I ended using the cloud ocr ..

not for now, 3rd party dependencies are managed in Xcode using Cocoapods or Swift Package Manager, ours uses Cocoapods. Eventually I will work on a way to only add the scanners you need, but for now in iOS the bundle comes with all.

any update?

If it's not too much to ask for, I would love if anybody can list what

refer to each of the ML Kit assets, or share a link of any docs that talk about that.

For anybody looking to seriously reduce the size, I would suggest going to the plugin implementation.
Comment unnecessary files in the build.grade. Then comment all the files src>nlp / src>vision based on what you need. This is a hit and trial method and you will get few errors just keep commenting down things whose implementation you have commented and in the end, it will compile. In my case, I only needed the translator plugin. It is easier than going through apk size tool again and again.

dependencies {
    // implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-mlkit-barcode-scanning:16.2.1'

    // implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-mlkit-image-labeling:16.0.5'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:image-labeling-custom:16.3.1'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:image-labeling-automl:16.2.1'

    // implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-mlkit-text-recognition:17.0.0'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:language-id:17.0.0'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:digital-ink-recognition:17.0.0'

    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:pose-detection:17.0.1-beta5'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:pose-detection-accurate:17.0.1-beta5'

     implementation 'com.google.mlkit:translate:16.1.2'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:entity-extraction:16.0.0-beta2'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:smart-reply:16.2.0'

    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:object-detection:16.2.6'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:object-detection-custom:16.3.3'
    // implementation 'com.google.mlkit:linkfirebase:16.1.1'

    // implementation 'com.google.android.gms:play-services-mlkit-face-detection:16.2.0'

If anyone is interested in barcode / QR scanning only, you can check out this fork.

Please note: it's not reflective of how you should do native programming properly, but it works with a previous barcode scanner implementation in Flutter.

Looks like the most fool-proof way to decrease size is to

  1. Create a fork
  2. Do what #26 (comment) suggests and remove all dependencies you don't need
  3. Depend on your fork.

@bharat-biradar do you have a suggestion on how to get this behavior implemented upstream?

@panmari A way to use from your fork would be to

  • Fork the repo
  • Comment out the API's you don't want to use from the build.gradle (dependencies corresponding to particular API's can be easily identified from the name)
  • At this stage there should be errors showing in some classes delete them then comment out the their usage instance in MlKitMethodCallHandler.java over here
  • And this should be done by this point

I have made an example in the barcode_only branch. Hope this helps.

@bharat-biradar Thank you for the idea.

I created a fork for

  • text identification
  • language identification

For the iOS side: wouldn't conditional compilation help ? That is the same as deleting the not needed files. But then we still need a solution for the CocoaPods podspec so that only the necessary dependencies are pulled by CocoaPods.

@nachtmaar Sorry but I don't know about Ios side of things but please try and if it works, please mention it here.

Thanks @nachtmaar for the effort of creating the fork, that was exactly what I was looking for.

i only use pose detection and my aaptOptions is

`aaptOptions {
ignoreAssetsPattern '!mlkit_ocr:!mlkit_label_default_model:'
ignoreAssetsPattern 'hobbes.tflite'


packagingOptions { exclude 'lib/**/libtranslate_jni.so' exclude 'lib/**/libdigitalink.so' exclude 'lib/**/libxeno_native.so' exclude 'lib/**/libmlkitcommonpipeline.so' exclude 'lib/**/libbarhopper_v2.so' exclude 'lib/**/libclassifier_jni.so' exclude 'lib/**/libface_detector_v2_jni.so' exclude 'lib/**/libtensorflowlite_jni.so' // exclude 'lib/**/liblanguage_id_jni.so' → required for language detection }

but it's size still 129 mb please help me to reduce the size.

We released a new version of google_ml_kit in which we have split all the plugins in multiple plugins to avoid removing the models for API you are not using, go to our readme and start using the new plugin you need.

More details here:


Hi, I am using:
dependencies {
implementation 'com.google.mlkit:translate:17.0.1'
I want to just use Language X (any one language) to English translation. Is there a way I can optimise MLKit further to reduce my apk size?

buildTypes {
       release {
           signingConfig signingConfigs.release
            aaptOptions {
                ignoreAssetsPattern "mlkit_pose"
   packagingOptions {
        exclude 'lib/**/libtranslate_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libdigitalink.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libxeno_native.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libmlkitcommonpipeline.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libbarhopper_v2.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libclassifier_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libface_detector_v2_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/libtensorflowlite_jni.so'
        exclude 'lib/**/liblanguage_id_jni.so'

Screenshot_2021-05-27 DevTools for Flutter Dart

OCR is working great and app size reduced to 30MB approx

How to reduce app size further below 30MB