Bhanditz / ubichr

Ubiquity for Chrome

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


My humble attempt to create Ubiquity alternative for Chrome and Firefox Quantum browsers.


To install use chrome web store

how to install dev version

To install latest commited version please follow 'Load the extension' section here

People wanting to remove irritating 'disable developer mode popup' please follow the neat binary hack of chrome.dll

license & origins

MIT license

Most of the code is based on

adding commands

You can add your custom commands using built-in editor (CodeMirror) or modify commands.js. The syntax is quite simple and self explanatory

basic command:

    name: "example", 
    description: "A short description of your command.",
    author: "Your Name",
    icon: "",
    execute: function execute(args) {
        alert("EX:You input: " + args.text, this);
    preview: function preview(pblock, args) {
        pblock.innerHTML = "PV:Your input is " + args.text + ".";

Use CmdUtils.CreateCommand() and provide object with name string and preview and execute functions. The execute function takes argument which is an object containing text property - a single string following command. The preview function also has pblock parameter pointing to popup div for various output.

command with some action

    name: "google-search",
    preview: "Search on Google for the given words",
    execute: CmdUtils.SimpleUrlBasedCommand(

Note that execute is created using CmdUtils.SimpleUrlBasedCommand() the output function will substitute {text} and {location} template literals with actual argument and current tab url.

getting outside data with async / await

    name: "imdb",
    description: "Searches for movies on IMDb",
    icon: "",
    preview: async function preview(pblock, {text: text}) {
        pblock.innerHTML = "Searches for movies on IMDb";
        var doc = await CmdUtils.get(""+encodeURIComponent(text)+"&s=tt&ref_=fn_al_tt_mr" );
        pblock.innerHTML = "<table>"+jQuery("table.findList", doc).html()+"</table>";
    execute: CmdUtils.SimpleUrlBasedCommand("{text}&s=tt&ref_=fn_al_tt_mr")

Here the preview function is defined with async keyword. This will allow to avoid callback hell when getting data with GET request (CmdUtils.get(url)). Note the destructuring assignment singling out the text parameter in preview function. Note: final implementation uses one liner with jQuery.load().

search command with iframe preview

  name: ["qwant"],
  description: "Searches",
  author: {name: "Your Name", email: ""},
  icon: "",
  url: "{QUERY}&t=all",
  prevAttrs: {zoom: 0.75, scroll: [100/*x*/, 0/*y*/], anchor: ["c_13", "c_22"]},

The CmdUtils.makeSearchCommand() (provided by Sebres) simplifies even more common web fetching. Instead of loading part of HTML and parsing it with JQuery an iframe is created in UbiChr results area. Extra parameters allow to scale and translate it.


Svalorzen has forked UbiChr and created UbiShell which has more shell like UI with piping and command options. Check it out here:


Ubiquity for Chrome


Language:JavaScript 90.9%Language:CSS 4.8%Language:HTML 3.7%Language:Batchfile 0.6%